Also be sure to carefully read botht he BDL168 and Trnasponding documentation before placing anything. There are some very specific requirements to where the various wires need to run to allwo the RX4 to actually operate. The signalling current fromt he decoder for transponding is very feeble, so there are guidelines on how to route the wires to avoid interference woudl would make the transponding not work. I really does matter, the suggested layout of wiring is not simply to make it neat.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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Track gaps should be placed per the instructions of the BDL-168 manual to get it to work first. Once you CONFIRM the BDL-168 is working properly all by itself, you can then add the transponding parts.
Although I may not be understanding your question because of the words you are using. Example: a track GAP is AIR, not metal rails. You CAN NOT feed a gap. Where do you connect it? To AIR? Not possible.
Forgive me if I sound SPECIFIC, but electronics IS specific and you must be specific with your descriptions.
The above is my opinion, from an active and experienced Model Railroader in N scale and HO since 1961.
(Modeling Freelance, Eastern US, HO scale, in 1962, with NCE DCC for locomotive control and a stand alone LocoNet for block detection and signals.) at home, and N scale at the Club.
To set up my surroundtraxx, using the BDL168, do I feed the rail gaps off of the connections on Zone one or
do I have to set up gaps in each zone?