Remappign is decoder-centric, what DCC system is pretty much irrelevent. Some decoders allow any numbe rof wires to be activated on one function, others offer only limited ability to change which function controls which wire, others won;t allow any remapping whatsoever. If it's a Digitrax decder, the decode rmaual that should ahve come along with your Zephyr will have the remapping information, or you can download the decoder manual from the Digitrax web site.
The EASY way to do this is to use JRMI and a computer itnterface, in the case of a Digitrax system, either a PR3 or Locobuffer-USB. This will allow configuring of the decoder with drop down boxes and selection lists instead of trying to figure out CV values.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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You can re-map (move) functions to other buttons. I'm not sure if you can have more than one function mapped to the same button. Check your Zephyr manual for re-mapping.
The output is generally independent of the actual F button used, just those are the defaults if no addiitional decoder programming is done
The real question is - what purpose do you intend to use these extra outputs for? Most commonly they are for ditch lights, which it typical North AMerican practive come one when the horn is blown, so the fact that it would default activate with F2 is actually what you want.
THe use of F1 for bell and F2 for horn is really just a convention. The 1 button can activate anything, as can the 2 button, however the 2 button is configured by default to be momentary action - since it is used nominally for the horn.
Most decoders allow for function remapping though, so you can make the green wire activate on any F button you want, as well as the violet wire. So it really comes down to exactly what you plan to hook up there, and then the decoder cna be configured to turn it on and off using any button you want., even makign them work along with the headlight.
A function is a connection to an led or other device that is activated when you push a button on your throttle. The F1 button turns on the function 1 tab, the F2 button turns on the function 2 tab, etc.
With a 9 pin decoder there are enough connections to get the track, motor, function commom, F0 forward, F0 reverse, F1, and F2 all in the 9 wires. Greem is F1, voilet is F2. You need a decoder with at elast 4 functions to actually have something connected to these wires, ie, a TCS T1 won't cut it, but a T4X would.