I haven't checked out ROb Paisley's electronic site in a while, and oen of the top new items he has is a VERY simple signal controller to drive bicolor LEDs in searchlight signals to get red/yellow/green indications. You still need a block detector of some sort, btu the actual driver board shouldn;t cost more then $5 to make, there's just 1 IC, a 556 timer, and one transistor, plus some resistors and capacitors and diodes. It provides a simple red/yellow/green signal system, for those looking just to animate the signals in a reasonable but not necessaily exact prototype fashion.
Since the block detection is independent, it will work with DC or DCC, no computer, each circuit just cascades to the next one. And the duty cycle for yellow isn;t exactly 50/50, which usualyl makes a bicolor LED look more orange than yellow.
So, if you want a simplified signal system for modern searchlight signals: http://home.cogeco.ca/~rpaisley4/556SearchLightSignal.html
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