I am using for the first time the TCS A6X decoder, put it in a P2K GP30 all the wiring was easy and I am happy with that, however I can not seem to find the programming for the CVs to make the headlights work independently. I swear that I saw in an issue of Model Railroader an article about programming those CVs and I can not seem to find that particular issue. Can someone either tell what CVs to program or help me figuring out which issue it was so I can find that issue.
Thanks Andy
p.s. I recommend to anyone who wants to use 1.5 volt bulbs for headlights this decoder works great for that.
I'm pretty sure it's on one of the manuals on the TCS website. They've got a few different manuals, so just look around. I did this last year and have forgotton the exact CVs.
Here is a link to the appropriate manual: http://www.tcsdcc.com/public_html/Customer_Content/Literature/Decoders/HO_Scale/A-Series/A6Xweb.pdf
This link is to a remapping guide: http://www.tcsdcc.com/public_html/Customer_Content/Technical_Info/Tech_Manuals/FunctionRemapping.pdf
It took this techno-peasant geezer a while to understand the instructions but when the light finally went on (pun intended) it was pretty easy to do. Good luck!
Read your other post with the same title, you may find some answers.
Jack W.