Appreciate your comments Mel, very true! You've done an excellent job on your layout and share your wealth of information with others very well!
I will be retiring late next year and moving into a different home. I'm just playing and dreaming of the next layout but there's too many unknowns to make any decisions for me... I'll certainly visit with you again in the future, appreciate all your contributions to the forum!
I'll have to check out 7G servos. Have to make my own mounts since they are smaller than 9G and won't readily work with the common 9G mounts. Maybe better suited to other sorts of animation instead of as point motors, they I'm sure they have enough power for moving the points on HO and smaller.
- -Randy
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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Only downside is the mounting. Everyone and their brother makes 9G mounts. Heck, if I had a 3D printer (one of these days), I could print the IASE ones for the material cost (they offer the files as open source, free to use, or you can buy them finished product from them). Space IS at a premium especially when I get to my second deck, but the 9G ones are already plenty small to not hang down into sight lines. Hmmm.
For those special animation projects - there are even smaller ones, used in those flyweight RC planes.
Earlier in this thread, you indicated that you made your own servo extension cables. Tell me more about this. What type of wire: 24 guage stranded? Do you recommend using a consistent set of colors for all the extension cables? Do you use crimp pins like these:
Is there a special crimping tool for crimping the pins?
Do you use crimp connector housing like these?
I can see that it makes a much neater installation if one makes their own custom servo extensions! Thanks for your help Mel!
Yes, keep in mind there is nothing special about the servo extension cables. It's just s 3 wire cable. You want to extend one - do it the same way you extend the 3 wires from an Atlas turnout - cut the wire, splice in however much wire you need. No need to purchase expensive pre-made special extension cables.
Thanks, Mel! Very helpful!
Thanks, Randy! Good info and cleared up that question for me!
Thanks Mel, very helpful! Wish you were closer! Would love to spend a day with you to learn your many MR tricks!