There are more sound functions in a recently purchased Bachmann HO GG1 (Soundtraxx Digital Sound Decoder) than listed in the Quick Start Guide and fewer than in the reference manuals. What are F4, F5, and F6? Most of the sounds have a default volume that I find acceptable, but F5 is too loud. Which CV controls the volume of the F5 sound?
Hello there,
I have a sheet that list all the CV Values for the Bachmann GG-1. CV128 is the Master Volume control and the default Value is 192. CV129 is the Horn Volume control and the default value is 225. CV130 is the Bell Volume Control and the default value is 128.
Hope these help.
As I recall, all of these can be found online, but you're right, they're not provided with the model.
Oddly, they also chose not to use the standard CVs for acceleration and decelertion, either. My GG-1 took off way to fast even at speed step one. I dropped the top speed way down which helped the jackrabbit starts a lot. It does limit top speed, but my layout is too small for that anyway.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
According to the Bachmann website, the GG1 comes with a SoundValue decoder:
Also according to the bachmann site, the quick start guide for a Soundvalue would be:
It is not helpful that the Quick Guide only lists Function Key descriptions for Steam and Diesel, not electric. You didn't happen to get a Quick Start guide with the GG1, did you?
Anyway, if the GG1 follows the diesel function keys, F4 is the dynamic brake, F5 is a flashing light, and F6 is lighted number boards. Looking at those descriptions, me thinks that the GG1 will have some other functions associated with those keys. I think if you didn't get a Quick Start guide, you should probably call Bachmann and ask what is assigned to those keys (unless someone on the forum has one of those locos and is willing to share that info.)
EDIT: Oh, and I just found this:
Someone asked a similar question.
There is a little more info in the Bachmann Forum. Open the following,,33395.0.html