I am having a weird problem with my DT 402 throttle recently. While running an engine plugged into a UP5 panel the speed indicater on the throttle will click and the speed will drop to zero and the train will stop dead. I can turn up the throttle knob again and it will respond but in about 30 seconds the same thing will happen again. Does anyone have ant ideas as to what is going on with the DT 402?
You have the same loco selected on another throttle - maybe the second knob od the DT402, and it is set to 0 speed. What system do you have? Zephyr? It may be selected on the console throttle. Read the section in the manual about dispatching locos when you are done with them, and you won;t have this problem.
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I'm using the 402 with a Zethyr. I'll give your suggestion a try.
Gave it a try and still have the same problem.even with just having the loco nomber selected but no speed input it "clicks" about every 30 seconds. I'm at a loss.
You have the same address selected on the Zephyr. DT throttles will "slot follow" each other because they use encoders for speed control. DT throttles will not "slot follow" Zephyr and UT throttles.
Select the address on your Zephyr. Answer yes if the "Steal?' prompt comes up. Then dispatch it properly from the Zephyr. Now it should behave properly on your DT402.
Martin Myers
I had a similar problem with a DT400r. It turned out that one of the buttons was partially stuck in the pressed position. Once I carefully checked the throttle and found the culprit it was easy to unstick the button and the clicking stopped and the trotttle was working again.
To displatch properly from the Zephyr - stop the loco, make sure the speed control is against the stop at 0 speed. Set the brake lever to the Brake position (middle). Make sure all functions are turned off. Press the Loco button, then press the Exit button.
Now select the loco on your DT402 and it should be fine.
It won't hurt to purge the Zephyr, closing OpSw39 will purge the command station and restore to factory settings.
Inspired by Addiction
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Another good cause for using JMRI Decoder Pro — Monitor Slots:
You can see which addresses are assigned to which throttles, instantly clear an address from the slot or completely clear all slots (this will wipe out any basic consists you have setup, though)
Decoder Pro is a powerful and handy tool for any DCC users...
You also need to make sure the loco is not selected on one of the jump throttles as well as the main Zephyr throttle.
rrinker To displatch properly from the Zephyr - stop the loco, make sure the speed control is against the stop at 0 speed. Set the brake lever to the Brake position (middle). Make sure all functions are turned off. Press the Loco button, then press the Exit button. Now select the loco on your DT402 and it should be fine. --Randy Tryed Randy's suggestion and it worked. Thanks all.
Tryed Randy's suggestion and it worked. Thanks all.