Hello all,
I recently picked up said loco at a garage sale and am wondering if its practical to convert it to DCC. I can't identify exactly which model it is - a date stamp on the lighting board is 4/18/2006. My online research seems to suggest its an older loco. Nevertheless, I cleaned it up and it seems to run quite well on DC. However, it is strangely constructed in the sense the frame is "hot" and all power is routed through a series of wipers and spring contacts - there's not a wire in the thing except to the light bulbs. Seems like a bit of a workbench challenge - I was just wondering if anyone that may have done this conversion had any words of wisdom and as to the practicality of such an endeavor.
Thanks, Geoff
First thing to do is check the motor current at 12 vdc. It should be below one amp on these locos. Remove any connection between the frame halves and both motor contacxts.
Looks similar to what you have but has wires so maybe a little older.
You would have to use the shrink wrapped Tsunami and hard wire.
Recommended by SoundTraxx.
If you ever fall over in public, pick yourself up and say “sorry it’s been a while since I inhabited a body.” And just walk away.
Oops, too much info.
Use a DZ125 decoder. Good for one amp and quite small. I think they have a upgraded model.
TCS has some nice non sound decoders that might be a little better.
TCS has some decoder installation "how to's" on their website. Unfortunately they don't have an installation for Bachmann's F40PH but they do have one for Bachmann's 8-40CW which has a similar split frame design. At least by looking at the "how to" for the 8-40CW you can get an idea of what is involved in a decoder installation for your loco. If you're going for a sound install then you need to make room for a speaker. I'll leave that topic for the more knowledgeable and experienced installers. Good luck.
"If we never take the time, how can we ever have the time." - Merovingian (Matrix Reloaded)
Thanks everyone for your information. Digging around I also found a good "how to" by Jim Kirwan on Allen Gartner's Wiring for DCC website: http://www.wiringfordcc.com/bh_f40.htm
Armed with this article and all of the above info I feel more confident in making this conversion. This will give me a change to add the prototypical strobe lights that are described in other specs for the F40PH.
Thanks again all, Geoff