The Powershields from Tony's Train Exchange allow for the wiring of a remote LED to indicate a short that can then be mounted somewhere like on a panel.
Has anyone done this? Which LED did you use? Did you use a resistor?
I used regular 3mm LED's for short indicators on my five PSX boards. I see no reason 5mm or SMD LED's wouldn't work instead.
Per the seventh item on the Wiring Connections page (4) no resistor is required so I didn't use any and have had no problems for over a year.
I wired the LEDs along with the cut-out switch option and mounted them to a box high enough on the wall so I can see the LEDs from almost anywhere in the room.
Here you can see districts 2 and 4 cut out. As long as I was wiring to a remote box I figured the switches might be handy, too.
I had a bunch of four conductor 22 ga. wire so one pair to the LED and another to the mini switch for each of eight districts.
I pre-wired to each PSX then ran everything up to the box and joined the leads there. I found the plastic LED mounts to be handy, too. 1/4" holes for both switch and LED.
It is worth the effort to have the remote indicators... Ed