finally will be starting laying track and wiring a hidden staging yard with 8 tracks and a return loop. Plan on using Team Digital BlocD8 for basic block (track) detection, to output to LEDs on fascia panel. I'm looking for recommendations for a power supply. Also, I will need to also use a Bdb2 (9 tracks total). Do I need a separate power supply for it or can tie into the BlocD8 power supply? Thanks all.
To those who use the BlocD8, what power supply do you use? Would a Digitrax PS-14 work? Any suggestions on relatively available power supplies? Thanks all.
Good morning Tophias.
I have two blocD8 boards reporting occupancy in my hidden staging area via Loconet to several src16 I/O boards. The two blocD8 boards are powered from a single 12Vdc, 7.2W wall-wort.
The wall-wort looks like it was salvaged from a router or ethernet hub. I routinely scour bargain bins and flea-markets for filtered-DC wall-worts, and in one instance scored a bag of 'worts' for $3.
Keep your stick on the ice.Happy New Year.Dwayne A