Heads up guys,
I purchased the RoundHouse 2-6-0 today at LHS, DCC ready. We tested it at the store and it ran fine, forward and reverse, even the lights worked.
I got it home and installed a TCS T1 decoder in it. Put it on the program track programed it, But noticed I could not read back CV,s I thought nothing of it so I put it on the main, it would not run, but it did buzz as if it were a DC loco put on a DCC track.
I disconnected loco from tender and still had a buzz on the circiut board in the tender. Put the jumper back in it and tried it on DC, again and it ran fine. So I decided to eliminate the circiut board and hard wire the decoder in it when I found the problem.
When the factory wired in the 9 pin decoder connector to the circuit board they crossed the BLACK lead with the GRAY lead on the board when it was solderd in. Did some tests with ohm meter and confermed their screw up.
So I guess that would work fine for DC but not DCC.
Just a heads up if you purchase one of these, Truck.
Crossing the black (left-hand rail pickup) and gray (motor) leads would definitely cause problems as you describe. When the dummy plus is inserted, the black and gray wires are connected together so the motor will run, but with a decoder the motor is getting the input voltage from the one rail and the decoder is not receiving any power.
I guess I was lucky with mine! I popped in a decoder and had no troubles! It's the CNR #417 version which I purchased last August.
30 years 1:1 Canadian Pacific.....now switching in HO
It would be obvious to post this on the Bachmann forums. There are reps there.
Also, knowing what you are doing by using a multimeter is a great solution. I never modify a loco/tender without using a multimeter to ring out the wires/connections.
Never, ever assume when playing with DCC>
If you ever fall over in public, pick yourself up and say “sorry it’s been a while since I inhabited a body.” And just walk away.
You probably just found one flaw that the person at the Factory wasnt paying attention whe assembling that paticular Loco. Maybe they were interupted when wiring and they losth their train of thought, or maybe it was getiing close to break time and the rushed thru the assembly. Alot of factors to think about buddy.