My Broadway Limited Cab Forward has all sounds except "Chuffing." It worked fine last time on tracks. Has DCC decoder installed and runs fine other than that. I've tried resetting to factory default CV8=8. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
The chuff is triggered by a reed switch that pick up a small magnet on the flywheel. The first thing to check is the tether from loco to tender. If the tether is good then Email BLI for a new chuff sensor. My Blueline M1b chuff sensor came loose from the bracket over the flywheel. I clicked it back on the bracket and it has been great ever since. I have heard that there is a bad batch of reed sensors in a few runs of locos. I am not sure if yours is one of them. BLI parts has been great to me. They have sent me gears, tender trucks, chuff sensors and loco tethers with no question asked for my locos.
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