No, consisting does not override the settings in CV2, 5, and 6. Try adjusting these first to see if you cna get a decent speed match, before resorting to more complex things liek speed tables. It just has to be close, not perfect.
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How much difference in speed are you talking?
Springfield PA
speed matching is what you are doing
you can either use the 28 speed step table OR adjust start, high and mid
I had the same issue with my Genesis F7 units.
John; I myself like to give my AB sets the same address ,they still have to be speed matched but I dont plan on seperating em so giving them same address saves spots on the zephyr and makes it a bit easyer on my memery cells ,a few of my gp &rs units share an address too ,allows one sound an one no sound again saving spots on the Zephyr...just a thought Jerry
JRP The units are almost in perfect sync. I guess I assumed here that if both decoders and motors came from the same manufacturer and were pre-programed (at least to run) on address 03 out of the box, that they would run at the same speed. Guess that's not the case. And yes, these are Genesis also. Thanks. JRP
The units are almost in perfect sync. I guess I assumed here that if both decoders and motors came from the same manufacturer and were pre-programed (at least to run) on address 03 out of the box, that they would run at the same speed. Guess that's not the case. And yes, these are Genesis also. Thanks. JRP
That is a fair assumption. Two similar or identical locos from the same manufacturer should run at the same, or nearly identical, speeds.
Alton Junction
You do not need to change CV29 when using CV2, 5, and 6. You only add 16 to CV29 when enabling the complex speed curves, where you need to put values in CV67-94. If you did the add 16 to CV29 without programming values in the actual speed curve CVs, you could have erratic operation if there are random values in there.
6 would be 2 digit address, with DC operation also turned on.
Here's a handy calculator to figure out values for CV29:
Just check the options you want and it will tell you the value needed for CV29.