any info on this subject plz help i want to add power district to my layout an dont know were to start im into ho scale n i have a lenz set 90 i am confuse with this
Hello. I hope I don't come across as dismissive or flip, but you appear to know very little about DCC, or I sense that this is the case....and if so, how do you know you 'want' power districts? What is it about your understanding of your layout's track plan and the way it will be powered that makes you think you need power districts?
Once we get a better handle on what you have, we'll be able to help you with the whole idea behind power districts. Have you an image or graphic to share with us showing your track plan?
well what i ment to ask or say is that i just want to get my layout ready for power district if i need it . my layout is just a run around in my attic but i am goin to add a small helix a yard a passenger station maybe this year so i just want to get my layout ready for that what confuses me is do i cut the track bus n gap the tracks were there will be a district
Go to this site and read --
Simply put, a power district is a portion of your layout separated electrically from the rest, which gets its power from a separate DCC booster. Unless you have a very large layout and run multiple trains simultaneously or have multiple operators, you probably don't need separate power districts.
My Santa Fe in Oklahoma has four power districts, each with an NCE booster. The railroad is three decks, the top deck is one district serving a large town and yard. The transition track going from the top to the middle is a second district. Most of the second deck is on the third district, the fourth is the bottom deck. The railroad covers an area 33ft by 29 ft. Where one power district ends and another begins the rails are cut (gapped) on both sides.
I might also mention for those who are about to tell me it is overkill, I have a lot of trains moving and operating during a session. Also my freights have multiple units consisted.