Hey guys:
I return here for your reliable suggestions. I am into my fourth week without train control because my Digitrax DB150 'Command Center' and DT402 throttle went "bad order/belly up"; these units were returned to Digitrax in Florida for repair/replacement. I do not like this feeling - being ripped off; don't want to go through this again. So... Does it make sense to have DC as a back up? "Murphy's Law" says that "If it can go wrong, it will go wrong." If Digitrax simply "repairs" the units, my sense is that they "will" go "bad order" - again; I don't want to get stuck like this again. So...
Is recommended that I go forward with getting DC as a back up? I have a newly constructed HO scale, moderate-sized (11ft x 23ft) layout. I am the only operator with (currently) three locos and no lighted accessories. Thanks; your tips/suggestions are most appreciated.
G' Flash
If it were me, I'd get a EZ-Command as a gap filler. At least it is DCC, and they can be had relatively cheaply if you look around.
Sorry about your Digitrax system going belly up. I wouldn't term that as being ripped off...unless Digitrax told you that you were out of luck from their point of view? Do you know if they will cover the repair under warranty?
My DB150 and DT400 throttles are nearly four years old, and have never given me a lick of trouble.
Georgia FlashIs recommended that I go forward with getting DC as a back up?
If you have any accessory decoders, such as a Switch-It, that get their power from the track, they probably would not be happy with the DC.
Also, if you have changed whatever CV it is that controls whether or not your locomotive is dual mode to allow operation on DCC only, you're still up the track without a handcar since you can't change back without the DCC command station.
Get some kits - rolling stock, structures, even vehicles. If you model the steam era, Jordan vehicles are great kits - time consuming and exacting, and they give you a very nice, satisfying model when you're done. Build scenery. Ballast track. Weather an engine or two. Take advantage of the down time to enjoy some of the other activities that model railroading has to offer.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
David B:
Thanks for your response; as well as the others here today. Yeah... I was probably the one? guy in '09 who got the defective Empire Builder system... oh well. I do give your tips serious consideration BTW; thanks.
Mr. Beardsley:
Thanks for your response here today. And, I have been using this "down" time to build scenery and ballast track. These are some of the activities that DO bring me lots of enjoyment; model railroading is an enjoyable hobby . Thanks for your tips.
Anytthing made by human hands and most machines is subject to failure, but that is not ripping you off. It happens. I have been fortunate, 10 years with Dynatrol in the 90's and since 2000 I have used NCE DCC and had no failures. Certainly they can happen, but I would never characterize a mal function as being ripped off.
Anyway, I have back up for my my railroad, which is a second NCE control station, and a back up booster on my workbench which could substitute if needed, just never needed to. But I personally think you are asking for problems if you try to mix DC and DCC. But, if you do and a failure happens, don't say you weren't warned.