I have an Atlas sd-60 loco with a digitrax decoder it has allways worked fine however it seems to be having some issues with running, hesitating, stopping etc. its acting like the track is dirty but i just cleaned it and none of the other locos are having this problem. most of my locos are kato and i know they are a little higher quality then atlas my question is should i clean the locos on a regular basis or is not needed. and if so how should i clean them? by the way they are all n- scale.
Place a low lint cloth dampened in alcohol on the tracks
Place one truck over the cloth and the other on the tracks
Run the train while holding it and glide the truck back and forth to clean the wheels.
Repeat for the other truck.
Springfield PA
Quick tip: Coffee filters are a readily available low lint cleaning "cloth".
Great idea, Never considered them. thanks
HamltnbluePlace a low lint cloth dampened in alcohol on the tracks Place one truck over the cloth and the other on the tracks Run the train while holding it and glide the truck back and forth to clean the wheels. Repeat for the other truck.
Would this also work on a 2-8-2?
It would but the 2-8-2's wheels are exposed and can probably be cleaned with a Q-tip wet in alcohol.