To those who gave me suggestions about putting a sound decoder in a Spectrum 44 tonner, thanks! I installed a LocSound Micro decoder and speaker in mine and it sounds good and runs great! My supplier, Nancy's Trains and Things, loaded the sound of twin Caterpillar engines and the weak little 44 tonner horn in the decoder. The speaker is a TIGHT fit in the cab but painted black and behind "glass" it is not very noticable. I disassembled and cleaned the mechanism so that I would not have to take the body off again for many moons! I utilized the existing "board," removing the two capacitors and the two inductors (replaced with wires), to minimize the wiring bundle. I also installed LED's with resistors (close soldered to the LED) which I then fitted into the existing holders for the lights. One more note. Never again! Aggh! Optivisors and 15 watt irons notwithstanding! The only negative note--the engine is sensitive to dirty track, more so than my other DCC engines.