A year ago I shoe horned a TCS decoder into my Climax and then the new Tsunami Micro decoders came out. I've waited for the price to come down a bit and now want to get one and thought where will the speaker go? As a veteran of one decoder installation (and I suspect that was just beginners luck) I have no idea how large or small a speaker I will be able to use. I have looked at the area in the ceiling of the cab as a possible place to mount a speaker. The tender will be filled by the Tsunami decoder and 8 hole plug since it is about the same size as my present decoder. I hope someone can recommend a speaker that will fit under the cab's roof (and not squash my engineer) as well as produce decent sound. Anyone have suggestions?
Roy Onward into the fog http://s1014.photobucket.com/albums/af269/looseclu/