I would like to hook up an old DC MRC model 77 cab control to an old MRC power pack. What constant voltage should I hook up the cab control to on the main power pack? 12 volts or 16 volts?
Thanks, Hansel
Does the MRC Cab Control require AC or DC power? The 16 Volt output of the power pack will be AC for accessories and the 12 Volt will be DC.
Are you sure about the model number of that Cab Control? MRC's web site calls the 77 an under-table sound system (Symphony 77), not a cab control.
The 77 Cab Control is from when I was a kid, about 30 years ago. It makes the locos move really slow. I will have to look on my main transformer to see if it says AC or DC, but I believe you are correct.
Hansel wrote: The 77 Cab Control is from when I was a kid, about 30 years ago.
The 77 Cab Control is from when I was a kid, about 30 years ago.
Check the power cord on the transformer very carefully before plugging it in, and watch out for sparks and smoke when you try to use something that old. Personally, I'd throw it away and get a new power pack.