I believe someone said, if I had a DC power supply I could limit the duration of the power to my Atlas dual coil switches with just a couple of capicitor and resisters. I downloaded two or three diagrams but they are for the complete power supply. I now have a neat little 12V 1.5A output, power supply and I would like to time limit the power to the switches. Does anyone have that diagram? I may eliminate the slide switches and use two momentary push buttons with color code to match the color coded rail map so my grand kids will be able to follow the map.
The muffled drum's sad roll has beat
The solder's last tattoo;
No more on life's parade shall meet
That brave and fallen few; T. O'Hara 1860's
From "Atlas" book "Wiring Your Layout"
Johnnny_reb Once a word is spoken it can not be unspoken!
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Thank you, thank you.
Oh by the way. My CB handle had nothing to do with the north or south, Yankee was what the manufacture called my little airplane. Hence, the handle.
thank again