I have a zephyr and my layout is getting bigger and running multiple engines that all have DCC and sound. I was wondering on which booster to use and how it is to be wired? I will still need to use OPS mode for the Blue line engines. Please let me know how you would go about this?
Thanks for any input.
Simon Modelling CB&Q and Wabash See my slowly evolving layout on my picturetrail site http://www.picturetrail.com/simontrains and our videos at http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCrispybake?feature=mhum
Well, the standard way is to add Digitrax 5-amp DB150s. While the DB100+ is available with higher amperage (8 amps), it's not usually necessary for use with a Zephyr, due to the Zephyr's limit of controlling 10 locomotives or consists at a time.
It's possible to use other brands' boosters, but generally this requires custom wiring between the command station (the Zephyr) and the booster. If you're not comfortable making your own cables, I wouldn't recommend it.
The most commonly used configuration in the case you describe is to use a DB150 with one of more power management devices to break your layout down into different power districts. While Digitrax offers the PM42 to break a booster's output into four separate districts, the DCC Specialties PSX-series DCC circuit breakers do a better job of handling the particular needs of the current crop of sound-equipped locomotives. Unlike the PM42, they are designed to handle gracefully the short-term power surge created by many sound-equipped locomotives when they are first powered up.
-Fritz Milhaupt, Publications Editor, Pere Marquette Historical Society, Inc.http://www.pmhistsoc.org
I would agree with the above comments, that you should see if you can pick up a DB150 on ebay. I have a Digitrax Chief and when I needed to expand the layout I bought a DB150 on ebay.
If you get additional throttles, I would just get the DT4 throttles. They are inexpensive and easy to use. Do your programming from your Zepher. Most visitors to you layout just want to run a train and not proggram things.
When I first got my Digitrax I only had two throttles but since several of my friends also had Digitrax, I asked them to bring their throttles with them when they came to run on my layout.
Jim, Modeling the Kansas City Southern Lines in HO scale.
simon1966 wrote:I have kept the Z as the command station as I would lose the CV read back and the program track capability, neither of which are supported by the DB150 as a command station. The 10 slot limit is not an issue for me with the Z.
good points there, i hadn't considered the loss of the functions with the Z set as a booster.