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Need to Understand Standard Number Conventions for Various Passenger Cars

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Need to Understand Standard Number Conventions for Various Passenger Cars
Posted by Attuvian1 on Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:07 AM

I'll fess up from the get-go: I run freight and MoW rolling stock and have no passenger equipment at all.  Not surprising, then, that I don't understand the number combinations that identify various kinds of sleepers, lounge, and chair cars.  Like a 3-2 lounge car, a 10-1-2 sleeper, or a 28-1 parlor car.  The combinations seem to be endless.  Is there a site out there that explains what those individual numbers represent?


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Posted by Paul3 on Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:54 AM

Here's an example of a passenger train consist book & roster by the New Haven RR from 1937:

Read the explanation of symbols on Page 2.

Generally speaking, Pullman cars are identified by the passenger accomodations inside the car, starting with the cheapest and ending with the most expensive types.

An explanation of each type can be found here:

Parlors are first class "chair" cars without any sleeping areas.  You have to pay extra to ride a parlor but you sit in a swivel/reclining overstuffed chair and are served by a parlor car attendant at your seat.  Lounge cars (or areas inside a car) are for passengers to sit in either groups, or to smoke, or to drink, or all of the above.  Sometimes they are paid seats, other times they are just open for first class passengers only, sometimes for anyone.  Depends on the era and road.

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Posted by Attuvian1 on Wednesday, January 5, 2022 1:32 AM

Excellent stuff!  Thanks, Paul.  All my questions answered - for now.Wink


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Posted by ndbprr on Wednesday, January 5, 2022 8:16 AM

An additional issue is how cars were numbered. Each car obviously had an individual number which was incidental to the train car number. By the door to the car in a window was a device that could be set to any number up to three digits.  This was the train car number.  The station agent would read those numbers and the location prior to the trains arrival to facilitate boarding. So car # 8523 on the side of the car is superceded by the #124 in the window next to the door.  This allowed railroads to replace cars requiring maintenance with substitute cars not always the same layout but still run an orderly train

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Posted by wjstix on Wednesday, January 5, 2022 9:23 AM

Also note in the wooden car and heavyweight eras, Pullman sleeping cars only rarely had numbers, they were only identified by a name. Pullman generally tried to assign similar types of cars similar names, so say a batch of 20 sleeping cars whose names were all "Lake _______" would all look the same inside and out.

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Posted by Overmod on Wednesday, January 5, 2022 1:49 PM

The naming was probably what led to the three-max-digit 'Pullman car number' on your accommodation ticket.  I can only imagine the fun in teleprinting all those characters in a car name on a ticket, then have customers running up and down the train figuring out which of the 'clubs' in the consist was theirs.  Much simpler to have the number, look for it at the boarding door, and either get on or keep walking... a very similar argument to some justifications I see for limiting DCC to two-digit or 128 (in decimal) addresses... Whistling

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Posted by wjstix on Thursday, January 6, 2022 11:29 AM

The three-digit car line number really had no relation to the car ID. If you bought a ticket a month in advance, Pullman and the railroad would have no idea which specific Pullman car or cars would be on that train on the day you travel. The line numbers kinda related more to Pullman keeping track of all the different railroads and trains it needed to supply cars to.

Suppose a railroad ran a train that left Chicago every evening and arrived in Des Moines early the next morning. There was enough passengers requesting sleeping accomodations that the railroad asked Pullman to assign one sleeper to the run. Pullman assigns number 210 to that car line. Every day, Pullman will provide a sleeping car to the railroad for it to use on that train. It might be the same car every day for some time, but over the course of a year several different Pullman cars would probably be used.

Your ticket on that train would say you were assigned say Berth 7 on car line 210. You could travel on the train several different times, and perhaps be in a different Pullman car each time. But your Pullman ticket would always say 210.

(I'm doing this from memory of stuff I read a long time ago so it's probably not exactly right in terminology, but I think the general idea is correct.)

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Posted by gmpullman on Thursday, January 6, 2022 2:25 PM

There's some good information here. Yes, Pullman saaigned "line numbers" to routes. It was complicated. Not every Pullman car on a particular train made the whole "trip" that the actual train (the timetable train number the railroad was operating by).

For instance a train originating in New York ultimately going to Chicago (via the NYC) might have 2 Pullmans going to Montreal. In Albany several cars from Boston may be added. Again in Buffalo cars may be added or removed. Sometimes if it was in the early hours (usually it was for NY-Chi. travel) the passenger could occupy the "set-out" car until a certain, reasonable time later in the morning.

Again in Buffalo cars might be added from Toronto. Farther west, in Cleveland, other cars may be set out and incorporated into a train headed to Cincinnati, Indianapolis or St. Louis. Still other cars may be added from other routes.

By the time this particular train arrives in Chicago it may not look anything like the group of cars that left New York. Still the same train number but several "line" numbers involved. The line number was most important to the accounting department that had the task of recording space sold, tickets issued, employees assigned, etc. There were dozens of rates for clergy, servicemen, pass holders, children and such. The railroad ticketed for transportation separately.

The Designation number (not limited to three characters, as I recall) was the particular number used by the ticketing and reservation system. Usually the first numbers would be the train number and the following number would be the cars location in the train on THAT particular day. For instance car 256 would be the sixth car forward on train 25, the westbound Century. The designation number was left up to each railroad as to how they wanted to assign it.

Notice the board shown here in Cleveland showing "Pullman Car Numbers" these numbers would match the ticket holder's number and assist the traveler in finding their car.

 CUT_21-22track by Edmund, on Flickr

I remember rummaging through old Pullmans and finding these numbers located in a special drawer in the soiled linen locker. There were four such receptacles for these numbers, two on each end door and two for each side closest to the vestibule.

The reservation desk would fill out a Diagram Card with the traveler's name for that car on that train on that day. The diagram would be kept at the Pullman reservation office of the originating city until just before departure. The Pullman conductor would collect these cards and assign them to the Porter who would be "working" that car for the trip. There was a space on the card to note where the traveller was getting of or on plus a place for notes such as "Wake me up twenty minutes before Toledo" etc.

This sample page shows eight different cards:

 Pullman_Diagram-2 by Edmund, on Flickr

The cards were on fairly stiff stock and measured about 4 x 11 inches. The Porter would refer to it often during the trip. There was a rack to hold the card in the area of the porter's berth. The star was checked to indicate that the passenger wanted the room made up for night travel in advance of boarding.

Every Pullman car was built to or, if modified, reassigned a Plan Number. This plan number matched up to the card on the Diagram. This told everyone involved what the exact layout of the car was. Some railroads were assigned only cars of a certain plan. The Pullman Company made books available to various operating departments of the "List Of Cars":

 Pullman_List-of-Cars_11-1950 by Edmund, on Flickr

 Pullman_List-of-Cars_page1 by Edmund, on Flickr

You see a car Name and a plan number. Pullman assigned permanent car numbers to some parlor and tourist cars but generally any physical numbering of the car was left up to the owning or leasing railroad.

This bedroom suite is nicely arranged:

 Pullman_NYC-suite by Edmund, on Flickr

Here's a passenger's receipt for space sold by a PRR ticket agent in North Philly for space (Sleeper-Coach) on train 26 which is the NYC's 20th Century Limited.

 PRR_Check by Edmund, on Flickr

So a ticket agent in N. Philly called the Pullman reservations desk in Chicago and asked about available space on January 6, 1967 (Today!) eastbound to New York. Space was available and sold. The passengers name was entered on the diagram cars in the spot for DSR-J (Duplex Single Room - J). If space begins to fill up quickly the reservations desk might alert the passenger traffic manager's office and they may decide to add additional cars as needed for that days' train.


Cheers, Ed

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Posted by ndbprr on Thursday, January 6, 2022 4:35 PM

Then there is the issue that the feds decided Pullman was a monopoly since they owned the cars and the service so most of the cars had to be purchased by the railroads but were staffed by Pullman employees. Typical of everything the government does that magnifies the old law of unintended consequences.

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Posted by Overmod on Saturday, January 8, 2022 9:46 AM

The choice Pullman was given was to sell either the passenger-car business or the freight-car business.  They wisely chose the latter with Pullman-Standard.

Whether this affected the decline and fall of postwar passenger sleeper service is arguable.  But Pullman certainly dodged a rather substantial bullet as things worked out...

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Posted by 7j43k on Saturday, January 8, 2022 10:21 AM

I've got a book showing the ownership of "Pullman" cars in 1950, and there are many still owned by Pullman, perhaps even the majority, since they kept all of the tourist sleepers, except for a very few sold to NP.  

I believe the cars that were sold were those in assigned service, and they were (mostly) sold to the railroads that used them.  They were then leased back to Pullman for operation and maintenance.

As far as we modelers are concerned, the only difference is what changes of lettering on the letterboard MIGHT have taken place.



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