This is the new M&K 70 ton hopper converstion kit from Bowser. The one thing I found was that a sequence is needed for the chutes. They should be added after you assemble the rest of the car, then install trucks with wheels on. Then add chutes. Why, the clearance between chute and flange is tight. They bind if not placed carefully. I put the chutes on long before finishing assembly, and the trucks long after painting. They are ready for decals when I found the issue. There is alot of play in the location of the chutes so position before hand is not apparent. once the chutes are set with the clearences, the trucks can be removed, the last part 74279 can be installed(that frame depends on the chutes being in first). Otherwise, it is a good kit. Simple. and no other issues. Everything fits well. except the sequence for the chutes.
How did i fix mine, well lucky I had them set to where only the inside chute deflector needed to be trimmed. that is not visible at all when sitting on the rail. I bought these to replace a couple E and B valley kits that are bad. the other 4 of this type on the layout are the original Eastern Car Works. Thought I would give a heads up so others dont have the same mistake.
A pessimist sees a dark tunnel
An optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel
A realist sees a frieght train
An engineer sees three idiots standing on the tracks stairing blankly in space