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Some layout ideas that need a little help

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Some layout ideas that need a little help
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, November 9, 2003 5:09 PM
Since my primary focus is O-scale(gasp) i still have plenty of space for a nice N-scale empire. I ether have a 4'X 9' space or a L shaped 8' x 2' one wall by 4'X 3' foot of the L. Here is what i want to do. Now i have TMCC which is essentially the same as DCC, so i know how much fun it really is. However i don't want to spend the money on dcc. I was thinking one or two outside loops running long laps around the layout. Now can i run two trains off one transformer providing they are on non connecting runs? Second is that i wan tto incorperate two switching layouts inside this loop. Here is my idea. Have a seperate powerpack controling each switching layout. These layouts will be connected, but isolated form each other so that the two engines could trade cars on essentially a dead track. I really enjoy working on my big project while watching my little guys chug around. I plan on using both layouts to practice scenery techniques. BTH, you all are missing all the fun with electro couplers. For those of you who don't know, with TMCC, i can take a car, spot it anywhere, hit a button on my TMCC controler and "zap" it uncouples. Very cool indeed. I am running a VO1000, a Baby trainmaster, a bachman 2-8-0, and a MP 4-6-2. All are very very nice engines. THanks Bill

  • Member since
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  • From: California - moved to North Carolina 2018
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Posted by DSchmitt on Sunday, November 9, 2003 10:40 PM
Get a book on wiring two rail layouts to see how you can divide the layout into blocks and wire it so that any powerpack can power any block. They show how to use toggle switches to connect either of two power packs to each block. Two locos can then be run independently provided they are not in the same block. One layout I built used interlocked push buttons to allow four locos to be run.

I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.

I don't have a leg to stand on.

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