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Mounting Tortoise Switch Machines

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Mounting Tortoise Switch Machines
Posted by tomwatkins on Monday, November 3, 2003 4:16 PM
I seem to recall an article in MR several years ago in which the author mentioned using velcro to mount Tortoise machines under the subroadbed. One piece on the mounting surface of the machine and the other on the bottom of the subroadbed. It sure would make positioning the machine easier. I haven't been able to find the article yet but I'm still looking. Has anyone tried this and with what success? I'm replacing my last six twin pole machines ( the ones that are too far a reach to convert to manual operation) with Tortoise machines.

Thanks for the input,

Tom Watkins
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 10, 2003 1:23 AM

I don't recall that article but I don't recommend it. The Tortoise needs to be firmly attached to the underside of the layout. I am not sure why anyone would suggest that but my guess is that if you are working alone, holding the Tortoise under the layout while aligning the points can be tricky.

I solved that problem by machining a fixture that fits over the rails, centerig the points and has a small wire that goes through the throw bar down a hole in the layout. Punch a small hole in the template that comes with the Tortoise and put it under the layout with the fixture wire going through the hole. Use a center punch to mark the Tortoise mounting holes. Drill them for whatever size screws you use to mount them.

I have used this procedure and never had a problem. Hope this helps.

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Posted by tomwatkins on Monday, November 10, 2003 3:36 PM
Ken, I experimented with it and came to the same conclusion. I've rigged up a jig to hold the machine centered so I can locate and mount the machines securely.

Tom Watkins

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