Derailing problem.

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Posted by tangerine-jack on Sunday, November 6, 2005 6:07 PM
Good for you Ian! I was just thinking earlier when you mentioned that the tender was newer that you might have a running in mechanical problem. Looks like you beat me to the punch! Ok, file this one away for future reference.............................


The Dixie D Short Line "Lux Lucet In Tenebris Nihil Igitur Mors Est Ad Nos 2001"

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, November 6, 2005 6:57 PM
Yes Jack I am sitting here at the computer quietly congratulating myself.

I think this is something all should take notice of and it may save you some heartache down the track.

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Posted by RhB_HJ on Sunday, November 6, 2005 7:18 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by iandor

Yes Jack I am sitting here at the computer quietly congratulating myself.

I think this is something all should take notice of and it may save you some heartache down the track.



I like that!

In my previous life I learned to troubleshoot very methodically.
The first question is: What are the variables?
If you're disposed to that kind of job, you get to solve lots of the problems over the phone, by FAX or by email.

Now, what I have found to be the biggest problem: people have a hard time doing things step by step because they "know" that they have already "eliminated" X, Y and Z possibility.

Hey no problem! I always liked to invoice for service calls if people had it "all figured out", except it just didn't work.

I'm sure there are people on this forum who could give blow by blow instructions on just about any problem. The question is: will the blow by blow instructions be followed - elementary in trouble shooting - or will there be x short cuts?
Sooooooooo when the pat answers are not forthcoming (some people get upset about that!) it is most likely because there are no pat answers - only the step by step determination and elimination route.
At least that's what 36 years of troubleshooting experience has taught me.

Yeah, yeah I know, Troy doesn't want to hear about my years of experience. [}:)][}:)][;)][:D]
Cheers HJ
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 7, 2005 12:20 AM
I don't mind you years of experience HJ.It's you being up your own backside and smart alec answers that sometimes get to me.
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Posted by RhB_HJ on Monday, November 7, 2005 2:54 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by troybetts

I don't mind you years of experience HJ.It's you being up your own backside and smart alec answers that sometimes get to me.


I never made it into the "contortionist league" and usually I try to make my replies fit the post being replied to.
That can rub people the wrong way, however since I learned a long time ago that I'm not responsible for how other people feel......... it isn't my problem. [:)][:)]

PS I do receive email from people who find my solutions quite practical, that makes up for the remarks I get from other quarters.
Cheers HJ
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 8, 2005 2:04 AM
HJ I can see hwere Troy is coming from, I find youhard to understand at times butthanks for your input anyway.

Rgds Ian
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Posted by RhB_HJ on Tuesday, November 8, 2005 9:20 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by iandor

HJ I can see hwere Troy is coming from, I find youhard to understand at times butthanks for your input anyway.

Rgds Ian

Hey no problem, at least not on this end.[;)][:)]

OTOH, this should give you a clue, perhaps coming from one of your countrymen it will be easier to understand. Perhaps you missed Phil's post.

QUOTE: Originally posted by toenailridgesl

QUOTE: Originally posted by iandor

What does TOC mean the purpose of writing is to communicate!


What does TOC mean ?(question mark)
(Capital letter T) the purpose of writing is to communicate!
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
I think what I'm politely trying to say, Ian, is "Lighten up!"

'nough said!?!
Cheers HJ
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Posted by markperr on Tuesday, November 8, 2005 2:58 PM
Do the couplers move the full distance of their arc both on the loco and the tender? This could possibly be a source of the problem. Is there perhaps a slight dip there causing them to slightly uncouple and then miscouple thus causing the "jacknife". I had a problem with a knuckle coupler on one of my diesels that would cause only certain trailing cars to derail at certain locations. It wasn't until I actually got down on my belly that I discovered that the coupler on the loco would bind under tension. Something that wouldn't happen when flipped upside down in my hand and just moved back and forth. I ended up having to modify the spring where it was attached to the body so that the spring would move more easily.

Ian, have you tried separating the loco and the tender and then running them at different settings while going around the bend. Example, run them around the bend at 5, then 6, then 7, etc and watch the characteristics of both units. Keep both units very close together but not touching to see if perhaps the tender is running faster than the loco and maybe forcing the loco off the track at that spot.


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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 8, 2005 6:16 PM
Mark mate;

You have come in at the end of the saga if it has an end.

While i had the problem the male coupler on the loco did travel the entire length of the female coupler on the tender but now i have fixed the problem it no longer does that.

It was an MTS problem and i fixed it with a few MTS adjustments, look back over this page mate. very interesting

Rgds ian
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Posted by markperr on Wednesday, November 9, 2005 8:41 AM
WOW is that wierd. half of these replies I didn't even see yesterday when I replied and yet, I'm at the bottom of the stack. Well, at least it's consistent with the rest of my life. Always late and missing the fun.

Glad you got it fixed,


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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 9, 2005 8:15 PM
Thanks mate

Rgds ian

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