Lehmann toy too bogie coach HELP!!!

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Lehmann toy too bogie coach HELP!!!
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 3, 2004 10:14 AM
Hi all
Ages ago I bought two Lehman toy coaches with the idea of making
a bogie coach out of them.
Thanks to Kimbrits help thanks Kim.
I have discovered the GRS no longer make the conversion kit.
Any one got any ideas sketches anything that will give me an idea on how
to join the two and form one bogie coach out of them
regards John
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Posted by RhB_HJ on Thursday, June 3, 2004 2:12 PM

What I do with that Lehmann or LGB stuff is cut it on the table saw, nice and square.
I use M-E-K to attach the separate pieces. this actually works on all of LGB's plastics. But one needs to take precautions, otherwise one ends up like those guys who can't remember the 60s. [(-D][(-D][:-,]

Cut the roof after you fitted the body parts together, get some cheap passenger trucks and attach. Just copy the bolster arrangement from the same type of car you're using the trucks.

Of course there will be plenty of filling, sanding and painting. All depends how close you can fit things with clean square edges.

BTW rather than doing the real shorty to shorty route; I took a LGB Murtal Bahn four-axle coach and converted it to a two axle RhB coach.
I find much of LGB's stuff is too short to start, so stretching it (no pun intended) seems a good idea.
Cheers HJ
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, June 5, 2004 1:01 AM
Nice to know something will stick the[censored] plastic LGB use MEK seams to glue most plastics like you say well ventelated area is a must.
Thats one concern out of the way any sugestions what to make a new frame from.
I think a one piece frame Ie not cut and spliced would be a good idea, that should give the finished product a bit of strength.
regards John

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 8, 2004 2:37 AM
Hi John,
In the past I've built a loco where I used steel bar as the chassis from which I hung 2 LGB 4 wheel motor blocks and built the body up. I still have this piece of junk? which was an early attempt at a heisler and not as good as Bachmann's!! 12 or so years down the line it still sits nice and square and crying out for attention, along with several other bits of early effort. Thought this might work well with the coach bodies using, say, 1 1/2" bar and after making sure that centres are bang on you will have a solid unit to work on with a low centre of gravity for the finished product.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 10, 2004 8:10 AM
Hi Kim
Will have to look in to that steel sounds a bit heavy
But I think I am right in wanting an un cut frame under the whole thing
regards John

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