Social side of garden railroading.

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Social side of garden railroading.
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 29, 2004 6:46 PM
A nonrailroad person asked me why I went on a forum about garden railroading. My first answer was; "to ask and answer questions about the hobby."
After giving him that answer it didn't feal quite right...what was missing?

Then it came to me...the "Socializing with other garden railroaders" was the missing part of my answer.

Not only have I had the opportunity to visit on-line with a great bunch of people, two of you have made the effort to stop by our place and meet face to face.

I'm still feeling good about meeting Walt and his family and Brian and his friend Curt, a really great bunch of people.

No question here, just sharing my thoughts on the social side of garden railroading.


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Posted by RhB_HJ on Saturday, May 29, 2004 6:59 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by OLD DAD

A nonrailroad person asked me why I went on a forum about garden railroading. My first answer was; "to ask and answer questions about the hobby."
After giving him that answer it didn't feal quite right...what was missing?

Then it came to me...the "Socializing with other garden railroaders" was the missing part of my answer.

Not only have I had the opportunity to visit on-line with a great bunch of people, two of you have made the effort to stop by our place and meet face to face.

I'm still feeling good about meeting Walt and his family and Brian and his friend Curt, a really great bunch of people.

No question here, just sharing my thoughts on the social side of garden railroading.


Right on!

It's always great to put a face to the name and chat in person.

Gives a whole new dimension to things (pun intended)! As one guy told me: "Reading your posts Online is great fun, but getting the twinkle in the eye and the laugh in person is ten times better."

Of course that also requires the other person to have a sense of humour in the first place; something that seems to be lacking in some. Not on this forum.....not on this forum......not o......oooooooops don't mean to sound like a broken record.
Cheers HJ
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 29, 2004 7:47 PM
Hi Old Dad
The model railway hobby is a funny one highly individualistic and yet a social one as well "Oh far too early in the morning for Philosophical thoughts like that".
The more social side of garden railways is what drew me in to it.
It seems to be far more social and family orientated than the small scale modeling
The fact I can share it with a great bunch of people is important I had a visitor from the UK and a great time was had.
regards John
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Posted by jmozz on Saturday, May 29, 2004 9:38 PM
OLD DAD you hit right on the nose and i will tell you that its a great feeling talking with others who enjoy the hobby i can't wait to meet some fo you and thanks all who helped me with my problems jmozz
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Posted by bman36 on Saturday, May 29, 2004 10:03 PM
Hey All,
I too enjoy the social aspect of our hobby. It is always great to be able to put a face to the name. Once you have met someone, reading their posts take on a whole new meaning. Now you can almost hear what they are saying out loud. That can make you laugh a whole lot louder. Meeting our Moderator in person was great. Rene is a great lady and very down to earth. She sent my friend and I off with a box full of goodies from Kalmbach. The neat thing at Kalmbach is all the layouts in house as well. Great bunch there. I look forward to meeting more of you in the future. If anyone is planning a trip through Winnipeg let me know. Would love to show you around. Later eh...Brian.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 30, 2004 12:25 AM
Yes! I am glad to see I was accepted here well better than just a dart board in other places.
I don't have the time nor the engery to accept BS when I should not be payn for it ($20.00).
NOT ANYMORE! Ya'll are a great bunch of guys and gals!!!!!!![:D][:D]
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 30, 2004 1:05 AM
Never have I made more friends in a e-forum as fast as I have in here. You have all been wonderful in helping me and motivating me to continue with this, the ultimate, hobby. For years I have foolheartedly tried to maintain the hobbies of Gardening and Model Trains. In a compromise that Henry Clay (19th century American statesman) and the UN could be proud of, I have saved money, time and exuses by joining the two!

I will extend the greatest compliment a man can give ..."My life is better for having come to know all of you." It is with your help that a lifelong dream is being realized.

Thanks you.

Capt Joe Ely Carrales, CAP
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 30, 2004 1:35 AM
'Tis all true,
I don't know anybody (apart from my Dad) that models railways garden or otherwise.Sometimes I can feel a bit isolated.It's great to read the posts and to get answers to questions.Also it's proved to my family that I am not completely mad-there are others too!-I'm sure I'm not the only person that has a wife with glazed eyes when the latest birdsnest of wiring is placed in front her with the proud remark of "look at that,it works!"
Thank you all,Troy
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 31, 2004 12:40 AM

I enjoy the social side of this forum, it is good to talk to other people with like interets. i have deliberately not mentioned like souls, as I doubt if any of us have much in commom with each other, except model railways. Of course as well the English language, several different versions of it but basically all the same language.

I also like to socialise with friends around my pool, whichis also where my my rails mainly run.

The question and answer part of it is also important, some know more than others and then again some know different things to others.

The scene in the LGB andf Garden Railway Club of Australia is also pretty social, with very large (80 to 100) on a monthly basis in different peoples homes who all have great layouts and this is where you really learn a lot not just what not to do but what too do as well.

In this regard i regret that I do not live in Sydney anymore because that is where all the action is.


Ian; Kawana island Tropical Railway.
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Posted by grandpopswalt on Monday, May 31, 2004 12:44 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I agree with the comments posted by everyone who's responded to this thread. I've found that the "atmosphere" on this forum is unusually friendly. Questions are answered quickly and courteously and when posting a reply to a question it's always acknowledged graciously. And like OLD DAD I've had the opportunity to meet a fellow RR enthusiast (OLD DAD) through the forum and it's been a real pleasure. I think we should all make it a point to try to maintain the unique character of this forum.


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Posted by bman36 on Monday, May 31, 2004 8:37 AM
I agree wholeheartedly with what you are saying. We are unique. I have heard it said that we are a boring bunch. Though I do not exactly know the origin of this statement I can only say that they are dead wrong. If excitement is bashing and bantering then leave me out. I believe if we just keep doing what we are doing here then the flame throwers will stay away. Not enough excitement for them. Look forward to meeting more of you in the future. Hopefully up here. The grass is green now! Later eh...Brian.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 31, 2004 9:34 AM
It's all been said. I'm enjoying learning more about the LS garden side of railroading. Have never tried scratchbuilding until now and thanks to all of you for your help. I'll continue to "listen" until I have something of substance to contribute.

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Posted by vsmith on Monday, May 31, 2004 11:01 AM
Well everyone else has pretty much said it all, sometimes my only conversations about GRing are on forums like this.

If we only had a Photo Gallery to help facilitate discussion?

Hint Hint Rene, sorry to bring this up again, kinda want to keep it in mind...

   Have fun with your trains

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 31, 2004 1:49 PM
The atmosphere of garden railroading seems to be more conducive to social interaction than do the denizens of the smaller (higher) scales. When I was in “N scale” I spent most of my time in my washroom like the countless others who cram their N and HO sets into basements, old closets and dark recesses of their dens and parlors.

When my out door layout is up, I will be in the beauty of the outdoors and, aside from the shop scene I am building in that washroom for repairs and as a “bench,” I will be more conducive to entertain people. It is hard to become a curmudgeon in the full glory of the sun and among people.

Maybe there is a little of that spirit in all garden railroaders…
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Posted by Rene Schweitzer on Tuesday, June 1, 2004 1:33 PM
Reading a thread like this makes me smile.[:D][:D]

I was recently asked what I liked most about GR magazine, and my answer was "the readers." I've worked on other Kalmbach titles before, but the garden railroading bunch is the best (no, I'm not kissing up here!) Everyone is so friendly, welcoming, and generally self-reliant. You have to be a social person to open up your backyard and (sometimes) home to others for shows or conventions--or people you meet on a forum. A great bunch o' folks.

vsmith--no sign of a photo gallery here BUT any of you are welcome to submit photos for our ongoing "GR gallery" that runs 3x a year in the mag. And, don't forget, we have a photo contest running too.

Rene Schweitzer

Classic Toy Trains/Garden Railways/Model Railroader

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