track cleaning--which track is best?

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track cleaning--which track is best?
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 22, 2004 8:12 PM
I am about to start on my long delayed garden railway. I have considerable brass track (Aristo and LGB) from an earlier indoor large scale layout, but am really concerned about using brass outside because of oxidation problems. Stainless, however, is just too darned expensive.

How do those of you who use brass keep the railway functional? Any thots?

PS--I live in Nebraska so summers are fairly short, hot, and humid and winters are looong and cold.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 23, 2004 8:30 AM
Brass rail just needs to be cleaned a little more often than Stainless or Nickel Silver rail but will hold up to the elements just as well as any other rail.

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 23, 2004 10:20 AM
Hi 00ragtopz
my line has been outside two years now and has both Aristo and LGB predominatly LGB the aristo track has held its shine too long for my liking the LGB having gone a nice brown colour.
I only clean it when it needs it which has not been wery often you will find that the more metal wneels you have the less you need to clean it the only loco I have that is a pain is the MDC big hustler it has the old Mechanisam in it the one with brass wheels
That will be replaced or a new one bought and them set up as a perminant pair
regards John
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 23, 2004 2:43 PM
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 23, 2004 8:28 PM
Yeah my thoughts on this subject are well known, Brass is the only way to go, I just love it. Aristo has more zinc in it than LGB making it less liable to oxidise around here. Whereas LGb has more copper making it a bett r conductor of electricity. I solder all; joints except at switches then i use Hillman Clamps.

The hot weather won't worry you, it is nothing compared to here (Queensland Australia) I can't verify what will happen in the cold though. I have an odd problem here to do with all the ferns and palms that i have around, in that i get a residue on the rails fronm time to time that takes a bit of getting off. i use the LGB cleaning pad and have an LGB cleaning engine coming along, Sometimes I get my wife to clean it if I'm lucky, as i have osteo arthritus in my knees and cleaning is a problem.


ian kawana island.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 24, 2004 1:06 AM
Just my thought and track will go with Aristo SS because I live close to a coast line. Salt tis bad...[xx(]
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 24, 2004 2:16 AM
I live right on the coast and the salt reacts with the brass to get rid of the shiny effect. I use aristo now and LGB in the past, the only problem I find with aristo is that the ties come off the track very easily when it's being handled. Not a big problem but not one you get with LGB. Still, when it's down; it's down!
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 24, 2004 1:54 PM
Thanks for the FYI Kim [^]
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 3:24 PM
I use entirely LGB track because I bought several hundred dollars worth when I was beginning and thought it was the only brand to buy. Boy was I wrong (as I latter found out). I just use a track cleaning block with an abrasive pad (the horror!), but am in the proccess of converting to battery power so for the primary reason fo being sick of cleaning track. I have found that if I clean every 3 weeks, my trains run fine, but I run an LGB mogul, USA trains SD40-2, Bachmann Shay, ect. with good electrical pickup. As the the brand of track, I do love my LGB track as it is easy to use and durable, although I do live in one of the most mild climates in the US. Hope your search for track goes well!
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Posted by JoeMascitti on Wednesday, May 26, 2004 10:18 PM
I use Aristo track and after 5 years outside, no problem I clean it occasionally...using metal wheels helps tremendously![:D]...I have used cleaning cars and scotch bright pads, but what I found to work the best and fastest is a mouse sander. I drilled a hole through it, attached a small steel rod with a fitting to join to a 10ft painters extension pole, the sander pivots so it always stays on the track....I use fine sandpaper...I can clean 400+feet in under 30 minutes[:D]....just rinse well before running trains....using the pole keeps the extension cord out of the way of structures, etc...If anyone wants a photo or more info, just let me know and I can e-mail to you....
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 7, 2004 1:29 AM
I live next to the ocean on the left coast. After 18 months of using LGB track, electric switches and uncouplers, I am still very happy with them. Instead of using a block to clean track, I inlcude a track cleaning car (LGB attachment 5005) with one of the two trains I run. This keeps things clean as long as I run trains often. Occassionally, I'll lightly steel bru***he muck off the cleaning pads. Every two or three months I use a rag with cleaning fluid over the rails.

Rob W


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