Heres my first crack at posting a movie clip .Hope it works .
What am I doing wrong here . Any suggestions out there ? I'm trying to post a small clip from "you tube" to here .
thanks , it was eather the music or my breathing into the microphone .
1. Nope we cannot "POST" a vid like we do with the pics. Your link works just fin in cut and paste mode. One option you can do is to make an "active link". In the little pictures (icons) above the text entry box there are a couple of pictures (icons) that look like a) a chain link and b) a broken chain link. Instead of pasting the link to you video in the test window click on the little icon for the chain link. It will open up a small box with two "insert rectangles". past the link to your video in the top box and in the bottob box put something like "My video here". Now a viewer can just click on the link and go strainth to the video.
2. If I decide that I do not like your music all I need to remember is that the mouse in my right hand has ultimate control over what reaches my ears. Pull that little slider up and drowed the wife out or push the slider to the bottom for no sound. I happened to like the music anyway.
Tom Trigg
Thanks Tom , that was what I needed to know !
Mike, the movie looks very good. It felt like I was really there and also wondering how long is this train. Have fun and keep it up.
The video was great your scenery,train speed every thing look great but your choice of music or sound effect did not go with your train. Just my two cents sometimes you just need to listen to the engine and cars going by . But liked the video
I'm glad you liked it. The train was only 15 cars long and made up of one aristocraft and 14 USA cars . Sorry bout the sound , I just got the camera and didn't realize it was picking up my breathing so good . Next time i'll hold the camera further from my face .
I may have "misspoke" earlier. I have found that videos posted on Photobucket can display a "video frame" from the video. Looks like a picture with the little squares along the sides like a piece of film. I prefer YouTube because you can post a much longer video. Not certain but I think Photbucket limits to about 20~30 seconds.
Good Grief! I thought at first that it was a full size railroad and full size train. Outstanding! Did not hear the sound as I keep my volume muted to keep peace in the household
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