Not really understanding the "won't let me" part of this. Isn't it your layout? I mean, if it's the family's layout, then yes, you need everybody's permission to change something. If it's yours, I don't see why they get a vote.
Also not understanding the apparent hostility to Woodland Scenics, but that's your affair.
Connecticut Valley Railroad A Branch of the New York, New Haven, and Hartford
"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." -- Henry Ford
I can understand his problem. Back in the 70's I started into weathering stuff and kitbashing structures and rolling stock much better than I do now, but I didn't have all these physical limitations back then and I built some stuff that was absolutely stunning including a tunnel that was so realistic you couldn't tell from a photo whether it was real or a model. But back to the case at hand. My parents had bought me a diesel loco that looked really good even for the detail bereft days of the 70's. Problem was it was too glossy and I wanted to dull it down. Well they put it up where I couldn't get at it. That was fine with me. I wasn't going to run the thing anyway as it glittered like a pile of diamonds. I've never seen ANY real loco that glittered like that! Well, eventually I was ferret it out from they'd hidden it and I dulled it down before they knew what was happening. Then I added some weathering using chalks. The next time they saw it they agreed it looked much more realistic than it had. It was a Mantua model but I don't remember what type it was other than an EMD SD something or other. I really didn't like it all that much as it was a poor performer.
Now I'm not telling you to do something that's going to get you in trouble but if you can convince them that it doesn't 'fit' with whatever look you're trying to achieve they may relent. And the end of the world may come tomorrow. Just keep the pressure on at a low boil but not enough to send them into a fit. Now if it was mine I would change it gradually so it would fly under the radar. But again I'm not telling you to do something that would get you into trouble. Just what I would do.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I'm guessing that your parents bought the tunnel for you. That said, they should understand that the layout is your project, and maybe they should give you a little slack to create the model you want. I think many of us have gone through this with parents, my folks didn't pay too much attention to the layout, but if I tried to modify something like a locomotive that my father recently purchased, I would hear about it. I'm not sure why you hate Woodland Scenics, and I really don't care, but it does make your arguement a little confusing. Basically, if your parents are paying for the model, you're going to have to deal with that. Good luck anyway, and if you get to create the tunnel that you want, please share some pics with us.
jeffrey-wimberly I've never seen ANY real loco that glittered like that!
I've never seen ANY real loco that glittered like that!
Jeffrey, this old girl sure was on the 4th of July. Fresh from a rebuild and repaint the only dirt on her was the wheel spray.
To the OP, I really can't comment. You live at home, you live by the rules, and it really doesn't matter what they apply to. However, I need to offer some advice on your post. Next time, try and include what you are talking about in your post instead of referring to another thread, about another something-or-rather. Link your original thread or include the pic of the mountain or something. Cause I have no idea what you are talking about, and I'm not gonna go search for your other thread to make this one make sense.