Lionel or MTH starter set

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Lionel or MTH starter set
Posted by Lafondue on Friday, December 5, 2003 12:19 AM
wishing to enter the O scale world, I'm an HO modeller so far, should I start with a Lionel or MTH set ?
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Posted by clinchfieldfan on Friday, December 5, 2003 9:57 AM
Both manufacturers are well worth the cost of the set. I believe that Lionel has the upper hand in the number of road names available. MTH has PS 2 engines which I prefer over TMCC. As far as quality goes they both are well made products. If you aren't concerned with command control Williams makes some excellent running engines.(with life time warranties!) You really can't go wrong with any O gauge set nowadays.
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Posted by turbine682 on Friday, December 5, 2003 5:23 PM
Based on a few minutes of surfing, the answer to your question is... Depends on how much money you want to spend and what features you are looking for. (Can I be more vague???)

I looked at both Lionel and MTH starter sets. clinchfieldfan says it all. Two recommendations: 1) Look through some of these posts to get info regarding MTH and Protosounds 2 and 2) If you get a Lionel Starter set that has a 40-watt transformer (instead of the new CW-80), replace that 40-watt transformer with something else.

Good luck and happy railroading!
Pennsy's Q2's rock and so do C & O's H6's & 8's but the best is NYC's J3a's
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, December 5, 2003 7:09 PM
K-line has some fine sets, comparably or better priced, better transformer (I think they're up to 120 watts on set transformers) and track that's compatible with O-31 tubular. The last two issues of "another" O-gauge magazine rated starter sets from all 3 mfgrs. clinchfieldfan is right - Williams has some beautiful sets without the sometimes troublesome frills.

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