Height of the #397 and #497 Accessories?

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Height of the #397 and #497 Accessories?
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, November 15, 2003 8:32 PM
What is the distance from the top of 0-31 tubular rails to the lowest point on the #397 Coal Loader a car can hit as it passes under the chute?

Same question on the #497 Coaling Station.

I am wondering if the use of either accessory precludes using other car types on the spur or line the accessory is located on.

Steven Crawford
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 17, 2003 9:07 PM
Measuring from the table top (I don't use 031 track but these measurements should help), the distance for both is 4.5 inches. Also, the 497 shute and 397 chute are above the inside rail (not the center rail) which also provides additonal clearance since most of the rolling stock to be concerned about has their height centered over the inside rail primarily. Vista-domes easily pass under the 4.5 inch clearance.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, January 2, 2004 4:50 PM
Just to follow up on my original post. The #497 Coaling Station has a clearance above the O31 Remote Control track of ~ 3-7/8". The Evans Autoloader will NOT clear the chutes with cars sitting on the top deck. Colse but no cigar. I do not have any Vista Domes to try.


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