zw command and conventional

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zw command and conventional
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, January 25, 2007 7:42 PM

Can the new ZW operate in both command and conventional at the same time? I have 3 loops of track, and would like to run 2 loops in tmcc, and the 3rd in conventional (my marx's trains)

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Posted by chuck on Thursday, January 25, 2007 7:50 PM
You can assign whatever channels (A-D) you want to act as PowerMasters to allow remote control throttle operation.  If you don't program a throttle, it will behave like it isn't under TMCC control.
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Posted by msacco on Thursday, January 25, 2007 7:50 PM

Yes you can 'cause I do it. Although I only have one command engine I do run it on a separate isolated loop using another channel. Since the new zw's have built in powermasters you can do both. As soon as  a loco hits the track, the zw recognizes whether its command or conventional. Just make sure you give the command channel the necessary 16-18 votls or so.


Mike S>

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Posted by danguarddog on Friday, January 26, 2007 1:03 AM
You can do this. Just make sure you make A or D the conventional operation. When turning on the ZW A and D do not power up until you do it with the hand held. B and C power up with whatever setting you left them at. If you had them set at 12 volts and do not turn them back to zero when done, the next time you turn on your ZW it kicks in with the 12 volts. So if you have a conventional train on B or C it will run as soon as the ZW is turned on. With A or D even if you have the handles set at 12 or 18 volts, it still needs to be addressed with the hand held before the train can operate.  Dan
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Posted by laz 57 on Friday, January 26, 2007 6:27 AM
 msacco wrote:

Yes you can 'cause I do it. Although I only have one command engine I do run it on a separate isolated loop using another channel. Since the new zw's have built in powermasters you can do both. As soon as  a loco hits the track, the zw recognizes whether its command or conventional. Just make sure you give the command channel the necessary 16-18 votls or so.


Mike S>

Sign - Ditto [#ditto] Also you can run your MTH locos in the command mode using your Cab1.  I do and like it.


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, January 26, 2007 6:32 AM
 laz 57 wrote:
 msacco wrote:

Yes you can 'cause I do it. Although I only have one command engine I do run it on a separate isolated loop using another channel. Since the new zw's have built in powermasters you can do both. As soon as  a loco hits the track, the zw recognizes whether its command or conventional. Just make sure you give the command channel the necessary 16-18 votls or so.


Mike S>

Sign - Ditto [#ditto] Also you can run your MTH locos in the command mode using your Cab1.  I do and like it.


What?  You can run MTH trains in TMCC?  I was told you could run them on DCS only, but you could operate the TMCC engines on the DCS if you have both DCS and TMCC command bases...

If so, I may have to sponsor you for a weekend of steaks and beer Dinner [dinner] so you can show me how to do this... of course that won't be till the new house is built!

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Posted by laz 57 on Friday, January 26, 2007 6:41 AM


  If you have the newer ZW with the 180 watt blocks, the first and last, tracks 1 and 4, Channels or tracks are in conventional mode, and the other tracks have 18 volts going through them tracks 2 and 3.  With your Cab1 if you put an MTH engine on the track (1or 4), you can controll it just like in a conventional setting.  You can move it out with the Cab1 trottle, use the horn and bell and reverse it all with the Cab1.  You can't turn the light off or shut off the smoke. or any of the other stuff that is in DCS.  But I do this sometimes when I don't want to use the DCS.  Just let em run.

Hope that clears it up for you.


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, January 26, 2007 6:48 AM

Gottcha!  But I'll still sponsor a steak and beer weekend if your ever up for some train runnin' south of the M&D Line! Smile [:)]

I was at the LHS yesterday and picked up some rolling stock.  I have to stay out of there now that I know this because they have a B&O F3 A-B-A set and a Western Maryland F3 A-B-A set that I really like.  And they just got the new Chesapeake and Ohio Aluminum passenger cars in as well!  They would look nice behind the C&O streamlined Hudson they have!

Of course all of these are PS2... so maybe a 3 engine/passenger car/DCS purchase in my future!  LOL!

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Posted by laz 57 on Friday, January 26, 2007 6:54 AM
 lionroar88 wrote:

Gottcha!  But I'll still sponsor a steak and beer weekend if your ever up for some train runnin' south of the M&D Line! Smile [:)]

I was at the LHS yesterday and picked up some rolling stock.  I have to stay out of there now that I know this because they have a B&O F3 A-B-A set and a Western Maryland F3 A-B-A set that I really like.  And they just got the new Chesapeake and Ohio Aluminum passenger cars in as well!  They would look nice behind the C&O streamlined Hudson they have!

Of course all of these are PS2... so maybe a 3 engine/passenger car/DCS purchase in my future!  LOL!

Sounds good to me the Steaks and beer.  Or even Pitza and beer.Big Smile [:D]Dinner [dinner]Dinner [dinner]Thumbs Up [tup]  As long as theres beer, anything is good.Wink [;)]


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, January 26, 2007 7:05 AM
 laz 57 wrote:
 lionroar88 wrote:

Gottcha!  But I'll still sponsor a steak and beer weekend if your ever up for some train runnin' south of the M&D Line! Smile [:)]

I was at the LHS yesterday and picked up some rolling stock.  I have to stay out of there now that I know this because they have a B&O F3 A-B-A set and a Western Maryland F3 A-B-A set that I really like.  And they just got the new Chesapeake and Ohio Aluminum passenger cars in as well!  They would look nice behind the C&O streamlined Hudson they have!

Of course all of these are PS2... so maybe a 3 engine/passenger car/DCS purchase in my future!  LOL!

Sounds good to me the Steaks and beer.  Or even Pitza and beer.Big Smile [:D]Dinner [dinner]Dinner [dinner]Thumbs Up [tup]  As long as theres beer, anything is good.Wink [;)]


I like beer, but my drink of choice right now is English Harbor Antiguan Rum and Sprite. Big Smile [:D]Whistling [:-^]

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