Handlaying track

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Handlaying track
Posted by FJ and G on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 2:03 PM
I've designed several types of handlayed track and switches as an experiment and my next layout will feature handlayed track. One of the coolest looking handlayed track is 027 rails on wood ties, with a raised 14-gauge single copper wire running down the center (raised).

I've also designed some stud rail but have not yet designed sliders for the rollers.

I have yet to decide which handlayed track to use for my next layout. I can share my techniques and listen to your ideas if anyone is interested.
  • Member since
    August 2003
  • 6,434 posts
Handlaying track
Posted by FJ and G on Wednesday, September 24, 2003 2:03 PM
I've designed several types of handlayed track and switches as an experiment and my next layout will feature handlayed track. One of the coolest looking handlayed track is 027 rails on wood ties, with a raised 14-gauge single copper wire running down the center (raised).

I've also designed some stud rail but have not yet designed sliders for the rollers.

I have yet to decide which handlayed track to use for my next layout. I can share my techniques and listen to your ideas if anyone is interested.

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