Paint for a Transfer Table

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Paint for a Transfer Table
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, October 3, 2005 4:20 PM
Hi! Has any one ever had to restore a Lionel # 350 Transfer Table? I have to paint the extensions. Flat black is not right. Semi flat black is not right. What else could I use? Thanks, Art
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Posted by csxt30 on Monday, October 3, 2005 5:08 PM
Here is an idea. I can't seem to dial it up right now, but I believe Olsons Toy Train Repair, or one of the other Repair stores has paint for verious Lionel cars & accessories. Hope this helps, John Oh, I just remembered, an article on restoring an eng. in CTT, the fellow used Krylon black paint. He said it matched. It's an article on the Lionel 726.
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Posted by iguanaman3 on Monday, October 3, 2005 6:51 PM
The 350 transfer table is made of unpainted blued steel. You could try reblueing it but it is not easy to get an even finish and pockmarks from rust will still be there. Semi-gloss black paint is really the best option. Use several coats and lightly sand between coats to get a smooth finish.
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Posted by Steamr on Monday, October 3, 2005 11:19 PM
Like Neil said above, they were blued originally. I received a well used/abused 350 prior to Lionel doing the reissue and it had a lot of rust on parts of the table. I had used bluing before so thought I would try this but the large panels appeared blotchy when I was finished as bluing is from a reaction and I was having trouble preparing the surface to the extent that was required. A machinist friend was visiting one evening and ask me to remove everything that I could and he took it to their shop and they dipped it in an anti rust blackening agent that worked very well at that time and in fact still appears nice. If I were to do this again I would not blacken it but would purchase cans of spray paint that leave a rough stone like texture and go at it.

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