Clyde Coil drank too much coffee again... (TMCC2 ???)

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Clyde Coil drank too much coffee again... (TMCC2 ???)
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, August 27, 2005 8:06 AM
He's got a new post up on Hi-Rail Times, [8D] and you might want to look at this soon. It is a bit critical of the current toy train companies, all of them, so it may be taken down or even retracted sometime soon. He's got all the "yer dang tootin" and stuff like that in there that we have come to know and love. What a writer !!! This man should be doing poetry, or putting his thoughts to music. Anyway, I think he makes some neat points, and just maybe he gives some hints about what just might be seen in TMCC 2.
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Posted by MartyE on Saturday, August 27, 2005 8:13 AM
It's junk. The man has lost it. If he really ever had it. He totes the greatness of Lionel's TMCC in earlier rants and then trashes it all in one posting. He trashes DCS which is in poor taste because "he" or "his cronnies" can't get it to work. What a joke. CC used to be amusing but lately it's sounds like someone who has a kegger party and then let's the angry drunk at the keyboard, only to have the apologizing drunk on next.

So while were ranting Clyde how 'bout this... REAL INFORMATION. Not just vaque ideas and hints. Your becoming less and less significant. You have nothing really to say that matters anymore. Until Lionel feeds some REAL information or I guess maybe when Lionel PR wants to add something of importance, just keep copying reviews from the forums. That is the most helpful part of the site.

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Posted by spodwo on Saturday, August 27, 2005 8:33 AM
It's just a rant. He probably needed to vent. Not the best written "steam release" I have read....
Stephen "Pod" Podwojski LiZarD AtTiTuDe RailRoaD
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Posted by nblum on Saturday, August 27, 2005 9:41 AM
I believe it is indeed a grade A rant. TMCC2 is described by what Clyde
says isn't in TMCC and DCS. It is meant to provoke, both thought
and the leadership of at least one company :). No pain, no gain
Neil (not Besougloff or Young) :)
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Posted by MartyE on Saturday, August 27, 2005 9:45 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by nblum

I believe it is indeed a grade A rant. TMCC2 is described by what Clyde
says isn't in TMCC and DCS. It is meant to provoke, both thought
and the leadership of at least one company :). No pain, no gain

It does neither. It is just garbage. The vaque hints if that's what it's supposed to be is getting tiresome.

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, August 27, 2005 10:00 AM
Well, Clyde does rant on, doesn't he? I read what his little tirade several times, and still don't see the point of it all. Wants toy trains to do more? Geez! Too bad he can't get his DCS to work because I've found that the system does just about everything you could ever want or realistically make use of in a toy train control system (and a bit more, in my opinion). Just what is the fellow looking for? And who does he think is going to shell out the money to pay for whatever it is that he wants?

But ya gotta love Clyde! He's about as innovative a shill as I've ever seen in the hobby, and he has a captive audience. He could stand to slack off on the "dangs" though--needs a new and somewhat less backwoods identity feature or tag.

Go get 'em, Clyde. . . whoever it is you're trying to get! [;)]
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Posted by MartyE on Saturday, August 27, 2005 10:22 AM
The only thing that DCS is lacking right now and TMCC isn't that much better at is controlling animated cars. Lionel has done a few, cabooses, Aquairum cars come to mind. Once DCS enters the operating car arena then it will be doing much more. That is about the only useful thing in the rant is more control over operating cars.

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MartyE and Kodi the Husky Dog! ( 3/31/90-9/28/04 ) My O Gauge Web Page and Home of Kodiak Junction!

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, August 27, 2005 10:35 AM
Oh, I think that the point is that there are things we might really enjoy having in the toy train world, features and ideas, that we have not even thought of yet. And, maybe TMCC 2 will incorporate those features. There have been other threads in the past on various forums that ask what one might want from a command control system and lots of people say they have all they want right now. BUT, what if there are great ideas that we have not thought of yet? What if they were available? Would we still say we have all we need right now? Remember the rotary dial telephone? We thought we had the pinnacle of high tech communication features!! We did not need or want for anything more advanced or feature-laiden.

Anyway, realizing that I may be in the minority of the people who read this forum, I agree with Clyde's assessment of how toy trains could, and I agree that they SHOULD, be more train-like. More real to true train operations. As I said, it is just my opinion and other people might have another way of looking at the same situation. To each his own.
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Posted by nblum on Saturday, August 27, 2005 1:29 PM
Clyde speaks, more or less, for Neil Young, or those close to Neil Young, IMO. If you want corporate clarity and non-mystical takes on things, you're asking for it from the wrong guys. These guys are artists and visionaries. Spreadsheets aren't their tools.

My take is that Neil Young is quite impatient with Lionel not moving ahead with technical improvements, particularly the TMCC enhancements his group has been working on. He's none too pleased with the general focus on competing by lawsuits that has become the rule rather than the exception in the industry. It's not that complicated to me, but perhaps I'm wrong. ;)
Neil (not Besougloff or Young) :)
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Posted by trigtrax on Saturday, August 27, 2005 1:38 PM
Remember the rotary dial telephone?

Not only do I remember them it's what I'll answer on if you call Steeltoys.. My wife and kiddies all have wireless, cell, call mystifiing, electronic wizbangs gadgets but I'll speak to you on a genuine 1950's version black bakelite with 3 foot fixed coil cord...
Yer Dang Tootin', I run my trains with them black ZW handles and my business with a genuine Western Electric [swg]
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Posted by ben10ben on Saturday, August 27, 2005 2:26 PM
"Remember the rotary dial telephone?

Not only do I remember them it's what I'll answer on if you call Steeltoys.. My wife and kiddies all have wireless, cell, call mystifiing, electronic wizbangs gadgets but I'll speak to you on a genuine 1950's version black bakelite with 3 foot fixed coil cord...
Yer Dang Tootin', I run my trains with them black ZW handles and my business with a genuine Western Electric "

If anyone calls me, I'll answer on any one of 11 of them strategically placed around the house. Yes, 11, that's correct, although they don't all ring. They're all but 3 Western Electrics, too.

You might even catch me in the middle of running trains with my CAB-1 and hoping that the next version of TMCC will show up sometime soon.

P.S. Western Electric never made a bakelite telephone. The E-1, F-1, and G-1 type handsets are the only bakelite parts WE ever made. 302 and 500 type telephones both had thermoplastic shells, and all older telephones were brass. The only all-bakelite telephones I know of are the Automatic Electric types 34 and 40. Yer dang tootin', I have one of them, too.
Ben TCA 09-63474
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Posted by brianel027 on Saturday, August 27, 2005 3:03 PM
Yeah, this hobby really needs more electronic doo-dads that have be sent back to the service center several times so they run as they were suppose to out of the box.

The hobby needs $2,000 locomotives... it won't matter because those who don't think prices are too high never pay list: they wait for blowouts and buy mailorder. More local shops close, meaning fewer and fewer newcomers since local shops tend to be where they go at first. Meanwhile the median adge of the hobby gets older, fatter, more bald and a lot more demanding and spoiled rotten. Meanwhile the kids that could have been interested in this hobby 10 years ago, aren't in it.

Wasn't that Lionel catalog a few years ago a dang hoot with young kids holding a $1,200.00 steam engine. YEAH, that happens all the time. Wonder what those folks were smokin' when that catalog idea was suggested?

I for one would like to see no more scale trains or no more digital control until it is cheap, affordable and reliable. There have been more variety of scale sized trains made in the past 10 years that the enitre variety of trains made during the entire preceeding period.

Whatever happened to imagination anyways? My affordable non-scale trains look pretty darn real to me and I can't be bothered counting the rivets on my little 027 box cars to be sure they're correct. Nor do I suspect any of us a generation ago counted rivets or wondered if the Helicopter Launching Car was prototypical???

I thought I was nuts... the adult scale operation end of this hobby makes me seem like the most sane person out there.

It's funny with the Neil Young reference, because he is well noted for being one of the die-hard hold outs AGAINST technology in the recording business... while everyone else and their mother has gone digital in the studio (and has for years) Neil still insists on analog.

So I suppose the next new innovations will be:
LionSmell: Trains emit real diesel fume smells or actual steam exhaust. Will blacken the walls of your train room in minutes.

LionelDerail: You trains come off the track and it costs you thousands of dollars and takes several days to get them back on.

LionelBO: Real putrid smell coming from the engineer of your model train indicating that he too hasn't bathed in a while. Brings back all those memories of YORK!

LionForRent: A model of an actual train shop that has gone out of business with flashing For Rent signs in the window.

LionSmasher: Will take all your trains when you die and sma***hem into a nice easily moveable compact cube that will be accepted by most waste hauling firms because no one in your family will want them and there will be no one left with any interest in buying them.

LionelStrike: You can't run your trains because the little engineer figures are on strike for better wages. Programmable with several different chants coming from the picketing railroad engineers. You may play with tractor trailer trucks instead.

LionGuide: The new future price guide showing that $1,000 locos will be worth about as dang much as my favorite K-Line Alco S-2 (that I paid on average $35-55 each for)... hmmm, so much for investment.

[:O] YIKES! DANG! Crap... what is happening? Oh no. It's contagious....
Looks like I got me a dang good case of Clydefever.

SURGEON GENERAL WARNING: Clydefever may cause severe repeition of the word "Dang." May also make you lose all common sense on what the hobby is really about and who it was originally intended for. May make you wi***rains were more unreliable and more expensive. Could possibly make you delusional thinking you are a government secret agent on a mission to steal TOP SECRETS from other manufacturers in order to save the world from EVIL!
The ONLY known cure is irrational legal action against another train maker.

[:D] [:D] [:D] (Happy lawyers)

brianel, Agent 027

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Posted by nblum on Saturday, August 27, 2005 4:16 PM
This hobby has never been cheap nor affordable except for the upper middle class. The only reason so many people owned three rail trains in the 1950s was that families were willing to sacrifice half a week's pay to buy a train set. That's no longer the case. Whizzier toys like the XBox don't cost half a week's salary for most people. Toy trains are fun and kids and adults mostly love them. But they are probably never going to be cheap and affordable, IMO. Neither are large scale (G) trains either. Only HO and N are affordable, but not to kids of 12 years of age who don't earn enough from household chores to buy $100 locomotives with DCC without Mom and Dad's help. So this is a hobby that requires adult intervention financially, just like everything else. People choose to spend $500 on XBox and Playstation plus DVDs but will not spend that on toy trains, for the obvious reasons that the play value is less and kids aren't asking for it.

Lionel, and others are trying to serve both ends of the market. There are several $100 or so locos in the new Lionel catalog along with the three or four $1,000-2,000 locos. Why would any sensible vendor only try to appeal to one end of the market? Complaining about Lexus because not everything is a Hyundai or low end Toyota doesn't make a convincing argument to me. If there were bundles of money to be made selling $85 locos in three rail, someone would be doing it already. There isn't.
Neil (not Besougloff or Young) :)
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Posted by prewardude on Saturday, August 27, 2005 5:19 PM
I just got done reading Clyde's "rant". Wow. He couldn't have been sober when he wrote that! Some have said that he's starting to sound desperate, and after reading that, I would have to agree. Maybe Lionel really is on its last legs under the current ownership.

And what's with all the stuff about wanting more ozone? Can motors have been the prime mover in Lionel engines for more than a decade. You'd think he would be used to going without ozone by now. To borrow a phrase from Hank Hill, "That boy ain't right." [%-)]
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Posted by nblum on Sunday, August 28, 2005 7:18 AM
And the sequel:

Founder of CCA escorted by concerned
friends to local facility...

by D. Railer
August 28, 2005

CCA founder Clyde Coil entered into rehab last night in the company of friends, some of them CCA writers. Coil was reported in fair condition after being found sleeping with a 671 turbine locomotive on the roof of CCA headquarters.

Mumbling about ozone repeatedly and complaining about the lack of realism in today's world, Mr. Coil appeared to be confusing reality with modeling and was not communicating directly with this writer. At one point of lucidity, Mr. Coil said "Yer gonna have to make these things work better than they do now." It was not clear what "things" Clyde was referring to.

Anyone wishing to send encouragement or support to Mr. Coil during this time can send a message to

We thank you for your continued support.
Neil (not Besougloff or Young) :)
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, August 28, 2005 8:30 AM
I like Clyde and his newspaper. I like toy trains and I like the idea that some people are trying to make them even better than they are now. I like the fact that there are trains priced throughout the spectrum from less expensive to most expensive. I don't care who does or does not play with trains or want to play with trains. If more kids play with XBox and less with trains, there will be less demand for trains and the prices will come down. I like trains and I am happy about trains. Some people seem to be a little sad about train stuff, and that's a shame. Maybe more time playing with your trains, and less time playing with your computer keyboard would help get you out of your funk. By the way, look around you next time you hop in the car to drive somewhere. Look at what other people are driving these days and ask yourself how many of those people actually own those fancy cars and big SUV's. Imagine the interest that accumulates over the life of those 7 year car loans. Then drive over to your buddy's house and look at his or her $3,000 TV set. The point is that plenty of people are plenty happy to spend plenty of money on plenty of things. If you personally don't want a locomotive costing $1,000 then don't buy one. I personally think that spending more than $500 on a TV set is absolute absurdity. so, maybe you and I will have different TV sets and different locomotives. That's fine, really, that's fine. So let's look on the happier side of things and let's not get wrapped up in sad stuff or worrying about what someone else is buying.
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Posted by MartyE on Sunday, August 28, 2005 8:54 AM
From my earlier post...

QUOTE: CC used to be amusing but lately it's sounds like someone who has a kegger party and then let's the angry drunk at the keyboard, only to have the apologizing drunk on next.

Boy I nailed that one.

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Posted by nblum on Sunday, August 28, 2005 9:24 AM
People who want to enjoy and understand Clyde Coil's melodrama need to remember
that when you go to see Hamlet you don't dismiss the whole play because you don't believe
in ghosts or there isn't perfect correlation with reality as we know it. :)
Neil (not Besougloff or Young) :)
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:32 AM
>Clyde speaks, more or less, for Neil Young, or those close to Neil Young<
I think it is Neil Young, regardless of anyone refuting it.
Clyde Coil / Neil Young / Rocker& Drug user - I cannnot discern any difference.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, August 28, 2005 1:02 PM
Clyde has definitely been drinking too much of something, but I don't think it's coffee! [;)]
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Posted by Warburton on Sunday, August 28, 2005 2:22 PM
I urge all to go listen to Neil Young's first solo album (with "The Loner") on it. Pay particular attention to the cut, "I've Been Waiting For You." It is one of rock's all-time greatest songs! Then you'll all feel better about Clyde Coil (dang him anyway!), and appreciate NY more...
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Posted by nblum on Sunday, August 28, 2005 4:18 PM
Clyde probably has a VERY large layout, which could account for his difficulties in getting
DCS to work ;).
Neil (not Besougloff or Young) :)
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Posted by prewardude on Monday, August 29, 2005 9:07 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by MartyE

From my earlier post...

QUOTE: CC used to be amusing but lately it's sounds like someone who has a kegger party and then let's the angry drunk at the keyboard, only to have the apologizing drunk on next.

Boy I nailed that one.

You sure did, Marty.
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Posted by nblum on Tuesday, August 30, 2005 1:39 PM
Clyde Coil's parts filmed before "breakdown"
say CoilPix execs...

by D. Railer
August 30, 2005

CCA founder Clyde Coil will be in the second episode of "Three Rail World" entitled "DETAILS" reported CoilPix execs at press time. The Rail brothers, who produced episode 1, "IT'S A FAKE" were upbeat about episode 2, saying it would be a logical extension of the "Three Rail World" saga.

Magnetta, who was such a hit in episode 1, will be featured in the die-cast again in episode 2, according to her publicists. New characters bring more facts to Clyde in his quest to track down information about the new control system scheduled to hit the "Three Rail World"...
Neil (not Besougloff or Young) :)
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Posted by palallin on Tuesday, August 30, 2005 3:18 PM
Looking at his article, I can understand why some here think his style overly exuberant, but he actually makes a few good points. "Cruise Control," for one: it's silly. It bears exactly NO resemblance to the operation of a real train. Frankly, having one's hand on the handle of a #1033 is far more realistic. If one prefers hands-off, then make the electronics mimic the actual slow-downs and laboring of working engines. The object at hand is supposed to be a RR locomotive, not a Toyota Camry.

I also prefer universal motors: can motors die easily and without being repairable (for all intents and purposes), while the older motors just keep on running (and the smell of ozone DOES bring back memories). It is possible to improve the open frame motor to match the positive performace characterixtics of the can motor while eliminating entirely the negative ones. The Odyssey motor was an attempt to do so that was lost to the bean counters, for which the silly cruise control was substituted.

MY beef with Clyde Cowboy's "rant" is that I want fewer electonics. I want the trains to be simpler to service, not more difficult and expensive. I do agree, though, that the remote control has GOT to go. I loathe the remotes I'm forced to use for the DVD player. Running a train should be a more visceral experience. That's why I'm in O and not one of the puny scales: I like heft and noise (but not necessarily phoney noise). I refuse to use either TMCC or DCS for just that reason. A nice brakestand and a Johnson Bar would be just the ticket. . . .
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Posted by tmcc man on Sunday, September 4, 2005 8:24 PM
i guess i will have to change my name , TMCC 1, and 2.
Colin from
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Posted by underworld on Sunday, September 4, 2005 10:22 PM
I drink too much Pepsi! [:p]


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