Special edition engine

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Special edition engine
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:00 PM
Bear with me, I'm new to this.
I have located a train with the National Champs, UNC Tarheels on it.
'0' gauge. It has the engine, diesel, made in 1993.
Also, 3 cars from 1994. No idea what may be special about the cars. All are still new, in box.
Does anyone have any info on this special edition piece?
Could you help me find out more about it?
Would be nice to know aprox. value.
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Posted by danguarddog on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:48 PM
It sounds like the set that K-line trains made. Thats a start, I don't have any more info. Dan
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Posted by Bob Keller on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 7:44 AM
The set, K-1323, was made to commemorate a UNC basketball championship. according to the K-Line ad in the January 94 CTT there should be five cars, a boxcar, two hoppers, a gondola and a caboose, three structures, and four billboards. The original price was $149 and I'd guess that might still be a value for the outfit.

In the ad, the set appears to be a dark blue, but in K-Line's "K-Line Collector's Guide" the photos all show a light baby blue.

Bob Keller

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 3:50 PM
K-Line' new commerative train set honoring the 2005 NCAA Champion Tar Heels is due out in the Fall. The individual 2005 commerative Tar Heel boxcar was delivered a couple of months ago. One on rails and a wood base for the Office and one plain boxcar.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 14, 2005 7:47 PM
Found more info. It is a K-line, 1323 w/ engine, gondola, 2 hopper, boxcar & caboose, 3 structures and 3 billboards.
Also has 1323-6401, 1323-6402 cars. Owner said the original set cost them $300.
You hit it on the nose, thanks.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Ogaugeoverlord

The set, K-1323, was made to commemorate a UNC basketball championship. according to the K-Line ad in the January 94 CTT there should be five cars, a boxcar, two hoppers, a gondola and a caboose, three structures, and four billboards. The original price was $149 and I'd guess that might still be a value for the outfit.

In the ad, the set appears to be a dark blue, but in K-Line's "K-Line Collector's Guide" the photos all show a light baby blue.

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