Lionel sounds.

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Lionel sounds.
Posted by DHBunch on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 12:36 PM

Hello all,I have been in model trains all my life (70 yrs. old). My question that I was wondering about is this:

Which is better, Lionel's Trainsound or Lionel's Railsound?  I have read other forums and most information is about the different versions of Railsound there are.

Lionel set #21990 NYC came out in 2000, and has railsound, tubular track and has a standard transformer.

Lionel set #11004 NASCAR came out in 2006-2007 and has trainsound and has FASTRACK and a CW-80 transformer.

Railsound was introduced in 1989, and has revisions RS2, RS2.5, RS3, RS4, and RS5.

There has been no revisions to Trainsound that I can find.

Can anyone tell me the correct levels and dates of Lionels digital sounds?

If you are ever in Cincinnati, Ohio during Nov. and Dec. look me up at the Cincinnati Museum Center, where I run the B&O 0-scale trains from 1936. There are about a dozen train masters that keep them running.

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Posted by BigAl 956 on Thursday, February 15, 2024 9:07 AM

Trainsounds is 1970s technology, Railsounds is 1980s technology. Advancement in tech have been ongoing with generational improvement in quality and features every decade. Todays Legacy Railsounds tech is lightyears ahead of yesterdays Railsounds. It's like comparing a modern iPhone 15 to a Lucent pushbutton wallphone.

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