American Flyer tender bogeys separating

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American Flyer tender bogeys separating
Posted by Trainman2005 on Tuesday, December 19, 2023 4:50 PM

Hello! I am the owner of a later A-F model 307 Atlantic, and it runs like a Swiss clock - save for how the wheels fall off when I try to use it! The pressed-on die cast tender bogey side frames fall off of the sheet metal bogey frame just about every time I try to use it, meaning that the wheels fall out and the train stops dead. I was wondering if this is A). A common occurrence, or B). Has any decent fixes. This is a Christmas tree train, primarily, so getting it to work this time of year is especially important! 

Thank you all very much for your time!

--Matthew B.

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Posted by arnoldafl on Tuesday, December 19, 2023 7:19 PM

I've this problem on both tenders and cars and have had very limted success in rerpair. Once those tabs that hold the truck together weaken it just won't stay together. My best way for a fix is some good glue.

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Posted by Road Foreman of Engines on Tuesday, December 19, 2023 9:23 PM


  I really like the AF trains, and the Atlantic is a workhorse. I know exactly what you are referring to, but I haven't had this problem yet. There is info available online, if you do a Google search of " American Flyer Sintered truck Repair". These side frames are actually sintered iron.  I hope you find what you need.


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Posted by rrlineman on Thursday, December 28, 2023 1:58 PM

I have repaired many of these trucks. the only sure way is to remove the truck from the tender frame. I use a drill press to drill a # 70 hole in the center of the frame tab of the bad side. then putting the side frame in place, I use the frame hole as a guide to drill into the diecast piece. then I use either a S173 smoke unit screw or 1 of the freight car body pins to secure it. then rivet the truck back to the tender frame. Glue or epoxy is limited at best.

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Posted by kblester on Thursday, December 28, 2023 3:31 PM

Great advice. Thank you.

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