Back about 2 weeks ago, I mail a motor to one of my 402's to the train doctor to have the armature rewound, got it in yesterday and manage to wire it correctly so both motors run the same direction.
Been rearranging my shelves so I can put my three 402 passenger sets up there ( set #403) at present put one of my other 402's with the three orange passenger cars I have. ( basically just to put something in front of them. )
Otherwise sitting here waiting for three packages coming in, one has to be signed for, other are cat food :)
Presently 75* and sunny going to 80* today.
hope all have a good day, talk to you all later.
Flintlock76losing 35 pounds I've got to go shopping for new pants
Way to go!
I've lost at least 100 pounds and have little pleats in all my pants, skirts and shorts where I made the waistline smaller and smaller.
Same me, different spelling!
pennytrains Flintlock76 losing 35 pounds I've got to go shopping for new pants Way to go! I've lost at least 100 pounds and have little pleats in all my pants, skirts and shorts where I made the waistline smaller and smaller.
Flintlock76 losing 35 pounds I've got to go shopping for new pants
WOW! You make me look like a beginner!
Anyway, I went to Cabelas this morning to get a new pair of jeans and a high-quality new belt that'll last me for a while.
I felt like going to the back of the store to say "Hello!" to the bass in the huge fish tank but I had other places to go and passed on it. It's actually pretty funny around the fish tank, usually there's a crowd of people looking at the fish, and the fish are right up to the glass looking at the people!
Wish I could take full credit for mine but it's at least 95% medication related
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