Marx signal - alternating lights w/Fastrack?

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Marx signal - alternating lights w/Fastrack?
Posted by mediaprof on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 7:44 PM

I want to wire a Marx High Speed Trains lighted signal for alternating flashing on a Lionel Fastrack layout. I'm connecting the signal to a Fastrack Accessory track. Will a Circuitron FL-2 Alternating Flasher Circuit Board work for this purpose? I've used several Circuitron devices with HO/DC, but never AC. A vendor blurb indicates it will work with DC or AC, but I'm skeptical. Any advice?

Thanks so much.

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Posted by 8ntruck on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 10:31 PM

I am not familiar with the Circuitron device you are talking about.  The lights in the signal won't care if they are running on AC or D.C., so it would be possible to run this off of a D.C. supply, depending on what triggers the circuit board to turn on.  If you need a D.C. signal to turn the circuit board on, you could try insulating one of the outer rails, connecting a D.C. power source and the circuit board to the insulated rail and the other side of the D.C. power supply to the non insulated rail.  As the train crosses the insulated section, the trucks will close the circuit, powering the flasher circuit board.

I've got a pre war Marx crossing signal, maybe the same one you have.  The original wiring arrangement had power going into the signal tower to both bulbs, then each bulb had a wire that went to an insulated metal 'sleeve' that snapped on an outside rail.  As the train crossed over the insulated 'sleeves', the circuit for the attached bulb would be completed through the trucks of the locomotive and cars. 

The lights would flash, but not in an even, alternating sequence.

This same arrangement would work on FasTrack, bit you would need to come up with some sort of insulated 'sleeve' to fit the FasTrack rail.  You might be able to make the 'sleeves' from a section of FasTrack rail and electrical tape.

Good luck.

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Posted by mediaprof on Monday, February 6, 2023 11:28 AM

With some help from the good folks at Tony's Train Exchange, I was able to get the lights to flash. I connected the Marx High Speed Trains signal to a Cross Hare circuit. The circuit is intended to operate a pair of flashing crossing gates, but it works fine for this application. The signal is powered by track power via a FasTrack accessory track section. View the finished product at


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