Magic Track Cleaning Bar?

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Magic Track Cleaning Bar?
Posted by Michael6268 on Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:00 PM

Many years ago I bought what I think was called a "magic track cleaning bar". It is bigger than a bright boy and is grey color. Its about the size of a small stick match box. Maybe a tad bigger. Its also rectangular not angled like the bright boy. It is finally on the verge of wearing out after cleaning miles and miles of track. Best bar cleaner I ever used. Anyone ever seen one or heard of one. Looked on the internet and cant find one. 

  • Member since
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Posted by Tootle on Friday, May 15, 2015 10:46 AM

LGB makes a track cleaning "block".  Might be similar to what you're looking for.  Check it out on Amazon...


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