6017 caboose questions

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6017 caboose questions
Posted by daves92camaro on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 9:45 PM

i recently purchased a brown 6017 in decent shape..and im wondering who customized thiers to make them more like the upscale models such as as a smoke stack ,tool boxes, ladders,lights etc..are the parts viable to do it? any photos?

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Posted by Prairietype on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 7:59 AM

I've done this on a handful of cabooses. The circumstances are that I have acquired quite a few busted up cabooses of all types.  Some have damaged trucks, broken steps, cracked shells and missing pieces. So, for some I have made the best looking caboose possible out of several. When possible I try to put them back into original condition, but as I've indicated that is not always possible.  Since I am really a runner and not a collector, the issue of compromised originality and value isn't an issue (for me) at present.  And for the future, some descendant of mine can decide whether to keep and enjoy, or sell them for what they are worth.

I have also done this with 200 series ALCO's. I've added headlights, windshields, and red running lights for the front of the number boards.  I even tried to rig an operating front coupler (didn't work).  I also bought 5 junk ALCO's for about $15 each on Ebay with stripped paint.  I custom painted three of them into a MoPac paint scheme to match five late '90's heavyweight passenger cars that I also picked up new in box for $75.  It makes for a nice running train.  I run these on a layout you can see on You Tube under "portable postwar lionel layout".  This layout has been improved since then; same basic configuration, but cleaned up with more structures, etc.  I hope to re-shoot a video showing full operation on this layout under good light conditions when I get a chance (hopefully before summer).

I'll be sure and have one of the upgraded cabooses in the consist. 

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Posted by arkady on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 8:12 AM

i recently purchased a brown 6017 in decent shape..and im wondering who customized thiers to make them more like the upscale models such as as a smoke stack ,tool boxes, ladders,lights etc..are the parts viable to do it? 

Sure, I've done that.  If by "are the parts viable to do it" you mean "are the parts available to do it," yes they are.  For me, it was just a matter of finding an illuminated junk caboose with beat-up body but intact chassis that has battery boxes and a clear window insert.  If it doesn't have smokestacks and end ladders, those are available from aftermarket parts vendors.  The only part that's even remotely tricky is drilling the hole for the smokestack -- it has to be dead centered, and precisely the right size.  I used only hand tools on mine, checking fit and alignment as I went along.

With the nice postwar-reproduction cabooses Lionel has been making for the past few years, though, I'm not sure it makes much sense any more, though.



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Posted by daves92camaro on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 9:26 AM

its really just the fun of it i guess...i payed 8 dollars for it so its one of those why not kinda things...figure id keep myself busy for a month or to making something nice...i thought about putting a brake man figure in the back and somehow added sidemakers...

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Posted by phillyreading on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 5:26 PM
The 6017 caboose is very plentiful, so you can get one cheap, then modify it to your needs. I added an extra coupler to the back of my 6017 and can use it in either direction.
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