The Cheapest/Simplest Solution for a Modern /Whistle in Old AF (American Flyer) Tender

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The Cheapest/Simplest Solution for a Modern /Whistle in Old AF (American Flyer) Tender
Posted by fhduncan on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 2:58 PM


All the previous solutions for a Whistle Replacement seem to be directed to O gauge operation. What about S gauge or AF (American Flyer) tender whistle replacement. Several problems occur with AC two rail S gauge operation.

First is the size constraint in the tender. Unfortunately, most Steam Engines have their e-unit in the tender. Thus part of the space is occupied.

Second is the width limitation the speaker and chip on board must fit into a 1 3/4 inch width. Speakers are not a problem some 8 ohm 0.2 watt speakers with 1 3/4 inch width exist. It is the size constraint and the appropriate whistle board electronics.

So the FINAL question is the following:

Does a AC/DC relay and sound board exist for AF tender operation?

I located some kits for sound. The problem is the whistle controller detection and activation part of the whistle control electronics. Is it possible that HO supplies (AC operation) may have suitable whistle board? Please help me with your ideas. I hate to operate two beautiful engines with the old AF tinny whistle and bulky activation device. All your thoughts and suggestions are appreciated.

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  • From: Highland, Mi
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Posted by J. Daddy on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 8:51 PM

Dear Flyer Fan,

I have been looking into this for some time, cannot bear to hear the sick cow noise coming from my AF trains... and the only decent whistle from my 314AW cannot be activated but from a very hard to find and expensive controller... but enough...this is what I have found, are you looking at TMCC to operate you trains? For the price about 110.00 you can  have a walk around throttle with a post war transformer to supply the correct voltage. Legacy is the new version and I fear the bugs have not been worked out yet and many like me are unfamiliar with it (TMCC is a bargan right now too). If you are going to add sound systems and an electronic E unit buy the unit to run the modern Lionel and post war Lionel. The Lionel 2006 catalog references the following:

1) 18 Volt transformer with a power adaptor cable ( you could use your post war transformer here like a KW Lionel or SW or TW, or even your AF power house.

2) 1 power master, TMCC 300, or the monster TMCC 400. I have the power master which is fine for 180 watts, the others offer more watts and compatability with other MTH locomotives.

3)  1 TMCC command base

4) 1 Cab one controller

If you are going to add sound systems and an electronic E units than you can eliminate item number 2...that is how I came on the 110.00 figure..But I will probably run both upgraded AF and non upgraded AF trains. now for the sound units. I have not purchased one but it is announced in the 2008 cataloge that Electric RR is selling plug and play electronics for postwar Lionel upgrades, they have the Cruise Commander, Cruise Commander M and the Sound Commander 2 (they have a website at I have not investigated them yet but this would be the optimal system that would interface with the TMCC or Legacy systems. They are about 110.00 for the electronic E unit and about 50.00 for the sound units....So to get you started you would need about 300.00 to get the full system to run TMCC trains and post war trains, and about one loco updated with electronics to run with your CAB 1.

Where am I you ask in this investment... well I just purchased the TMCC system to run the post war trains. it runs trains by remote but does not activate any sound, only the horn and bell in the mid 90's remakes from LTI sound B units and some dummy A units. otherwise I am still in the dark ages. But WOW what a difference...I can run trains from anywhere on the layout. there are additional Block controllers and Stationary controllers that interface with the system too... must be purchased additionally, that control electrical blocks, switches, and accessories... this will really bring you layout to life. And I really enjoy walking with my trains.

Word to the wise though... if you mix Analog post war transformers with modern day electronics, invest in a TVS (volt suppressor) to protect your modern electronics, other wise when you have a short say good bye to any of your logic chips from high voltage spikes.... my ZW has eaten plenty of E units from LTI's American flyer PA engines....but this is a whole different topic....

When the men get together its always done right! J. Daddy

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