World Record Railroad Constructed

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World Record Railroad Constructed
Posted by FJ and G on Tuesday, September 30, 2003 7:14 AM
World Record Railroad

The GB&T Railroad was constructed in just 3 days and appears to be a construction speed record, courtesy of the Seabees, according to Dec. 1943 Marine Corps Gazette.

Trucks were getting mired in mud on Guadalcanal (in South Pacific during WWII) and rail transportation was the answer.

The Guadalcanal, Bougainville, and Tokyo Railroad’s golden spike ceremony was Aug. 22, 1943. The line was 1.22 miles long, double-tracked, and connected a makeshift pier on the beach and went inland to supply troops. There are several long spurs leading to supply and ammunition dumps, one 1,505 feet long.

Rails were 60 pounds (per yard) T rail, 28-inch gauge, set on sand and gravel ballast. Culverts made of halved oil drums welded together. Ties made of steel.

The 27 switches are of the right hand type because no left hand switches were shipped from the States; thus there is no continuous "main line."

Motive power is provided by 3 used gas engines acquired from Panama.

(condensed from article reprinted in my magazine, "The Military Engineer."


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