"name that author... attribute that quote..."

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"name that author... attribute that quote..."
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, October 7, 2003 6:44 PM
"Somewhere deep buried in the consciousness of every American there lies the image of a steam locomotive..."

Above is an unattributed quote on the title page of The Age of Steam, Lucius Beebe/C. M. Clegg (1957) It's a great thought, but remains unattributed in the book.

Who said it? Beebe? Clegg? Walt Whitman? Please post your best guess...unless it really was Beebe or Clegg and the editors simply forgot to mention it...
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, October 8, 2003 1:17 PM
Then there's the composer who told his pupils at the conservatory: "I would gladly give all my symphonies had I been able to invent the locomotive." Check it out and spill out the answer.


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