Stenciling Prints / Car pictures needed....

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Stenciling Prints / Car pictures needed....
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, August 8, 2003 1:02 AM
We are in the process of cosmetically restoring the following pieces of rolling stock:

* Okulmulgee Northern #5 2-8-0 oil burner "Tommy"
* DL&W 1920's open window commuter car
* 1940's Wilson Meat company refrigerator car
* 1950's Milwaukee Road refrigerator car

We are looking from some / anyone that can supply builder stencling pictures / plans and / or pictures of these items ( similar when it comes to the reefers ) for use by our painting crews.

Please reply with your help.

Scott M.
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Stenciling Prints / Car pictures needed....
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, August 8, 2003 1:02 AM
We are in the process of cosmetically restoring the following pieces of rolling stock:

* Okulmulgee Northern #5 2-8-0 oil burner "Tommy"
* DL&W 1920's open window commuter car
* 1940's Wilson Meat company refrigerator car
* 1950's Milwaukee Road refrigerator car

We are looking from some / anyone that can supply builder stencling pictures / plans and / or pictures of these items ( similar when it comes to the reefers ) for use by our painting crews.

Please reply with your help.

Scott M.
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Posted by leighant on Thursday, September 11, 2003 12:07 PM
According to my files, there is a photo of Wilson Car Lines WCLX #8884 in the publication "Model Railroading" Vol.3 #2 for Winter 1983, p.48 (don't confuse "Model Railroad-ING" with Kalmbach's "Model Railroad-ER".) The notes for that picture said the car was from series WCLX 8101-9600, built between 1939 and 1949. I think I have a copy of that magazine in my personal library.
  • Member since
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  • From: Corpus Christi, Texas
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Posted by leighant on Thursday, September 11, 2003 12:07 PM
According to my files, there is a photo of Wilson Car Lines WCLX #8884 in the publication "Model Railroading" Vol.3 #2 for Winter 1983, p.48 (don't confuse "Model Railroad-ING" with Kalmbach's "Model Railroad-ER".) The notes for that picture said the car was from series WCLX 8101-9600, built between 1939 and 1949. I think I have a copy of that magazine in my personal library.


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