Mount Airy & Ore Knob RR

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Mount Airy & Ore Knob RR
Posted by jward on Monday, December 26, 2022 3:58 PM

I found a reference to this railroad in According to the site, this line built west from Mt Airy to Ore Knob to service a copper mine. It was listed as merged into the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley RR in the 1870s. the stations were listed as follows:

Towns on Route:

Mount Airy

Caddells Creek (1877) > White Plains (1877)


Judesville > Kapps Mill (1878)

Good Spring (1878)

Cherry Lane

Glade Creek

Sparta (1879)

Laurel Springs

Ore Knob (1874) > Transon (1937)


I have scoured old and new USGS topographic maps for any trace of the railroad grade but can find none. Tracing the route listed, the line would have run into a severe climb up the Blue Ridge escarpment between Good SPring and Cherry Lane with a climb of around 1500 feet.  This has me wondering if the railroad was ever built, and if it was, how long it ran before being abandoned. It seems like a lot of railroad to build through inhospitable territory just to service one marginally profitable mine, and there has to be a fascinating story behind this company.


Does anybody know more about this line?


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Posted by matthewsaggie on Sunday, January 1, 2023 9:28 PM

I visit Sparta on a regular basis and have never seen any evidence of a RR grade and have never heard any references to a RR ever arriving there. There is an Alleganey County Historical Society that you could probably google and ask them. I won't get up there again until June.


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