Honorary Steam Yard Locomotive???

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Honorary Steam Yard Locomotive???
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, July 12, 2004 4:38 PM

Dear Sirs,

Years ago Mr. David P. Morgan conveyed 'Honorary Steam Locomotive' Status on the Alco-GE PA Passenger Locomotive.

Would it be considered to Annoint "Honorary Steam YARD Locomotive" Status to the Humble-but-everywhere Alco-GE S2???

These Engines were, at Times, Older than the Roller Bearing Steam on the Passenger, and, lasted into the Eighties on Class One Roads.

Rattled and Churped and never gave up!!! Threw Sparks and Carbon Chips at Nite. Rode like Steam at Speed on Blunts, and had Tongue and Groove Wood Sheathing on Cab Interior.

Big Brass Throttle Handle that you could Hawk Right Out when Kicking Cars. Ideal in the Yard.

Wood Knobbed Reverser like Traction.

Check out this Ex NH 0601 on PC in 1977. Optional Horizontal Shutters.

Can you hear them Rattle???

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, July 12, 2004 10:05 PM
When I saw the title of the post, the first thing I thought of was ALCO S-2!

I can still work on an S-1, which is nice, but it doesn't have the same vibration and whine of the turbocharged S-2! Oh, to hear that sound again, hauling a heavy cut or kicking a few down the lead!
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Posted by CSSHEGEWISCH on Tuesday, July 13, 2004 8:31 AM
With all due respect to David P. Morgan, the title of "Honorary Steam Locomotive" was bestowed on the PA by George Hilton. It was done in Hilton's review of "The Nickel Plate Story" by John Rehor.
The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 13, 2004 8:47 PM
For Honorable Mention in this category I would nominate the Fairbanks H10-44. Smoked like an oil-burner where the fireman was applying too much blower. They'd pull anything you could couple to them. And talk about comfortable steps for switching--the H10-44s even beat the GP9 (makes you wonder how the boys from Beloit could also design the steps on their road switchers).
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 13, 2004 9:50 PM

Dear Sirs,

The good thing about Baldwin and the F-Ms were their Electricals, Westinghouse, at first. COULD Pull anything.

Never had the H-10-44, but had H-16-44 and the Train Master. These GE Equipped, but, still could PULL. Hoggers loved them on Work Trains. Good in the Yard, but ALL THOSE STEPS!!! and the Cabs were too Small. Heaters on Running Board usually Frozen. Cab Doors too Narrow and Opened against Hood.

Talk about SMOKE on a Cold Day, and the Snubber Explosions as Fuel Ignited and Burned at 30 Below. Just like Steam!!!

An H-16-44 just back from the Shops just Hummed and was Smooth Running. Lovely, but the Small Cab, all those Steps, Poor visibility.

Also had C-Lines w/ Westinghouse Gear. Talk about PULL! Good Engines, but not well thought out for Crew Comfort. Cab too Small, and GASSY!

Also used the Ss On the Road, and quite a Ride when Running as a Train with Train Orders and Caboose. Probably the BEST Unit Alco ever made.

The point is, Should the S2 be elected an 'Honorary Steam Yard Locomotive?'

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 4:00 PM
The S2 has my vote, and obviously has yours.

Any dissenting votes out there?
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 7:07 PM

Dears Sirs,

Grew Up with mostly S2s on the Yard and the Hump. Some Yard Steam and lots on the Road. The S2s were everywhere. Also their Kin, the S3 and 4.

Later came the More Modern variants.

The H-10-44 is a good choice, but a F-M Running Smooth sounded too Precision to be "Steam" if one forgets their copious Smoke output.

Baldwins would be closest to "Steam", but a different sound altogether, even with Turbo. Good Yard Engines, all!!!!

EMC/D no Slouch in good Yard Power, but,also too smooth, and no histrionics.

An Alco S2 being Worked Hard in the Yard was something to behold.

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 9:36 PM
Nice pic cdnlococo Never seen any of both. The pic is nice though.
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Posted by joseph2 on Thursday, July 15, 2004 6:28 AM
I also think the S-2 should be a honorary steam locomotive. It sounds like it has more "personality" then an EMD switcher.Plus the curved edge on the top of the long hood gives it a "boiler" look.Cdnlococo,on another thread you said once you saw a Baldwin centercab near Chicago.I think the Elgin,Joliet & Eastern owned it and it was re-engined by EMD.Was there once a barge that hauled the entire train on lake Kootenay? Seems like I read about it once. Joe G.
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Posted by espeefoamer on Thursday, July 15, 2004 3:03 PM
The S2 gets my vote! I used to watch them at work on the Santa Fe.Even got a few cab rides. They were awesome to watch and hear!
Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 15, 2004 4:33 PM
Dear Sirs,

Yes, CP did have a Barge Operation in British Columbia that took the Locomotive, Caboose and Train Up the Lake with a Tug.

When I Worked that Job, we Left Nelson, B.C. on Monday around 1300 West to the Junction at South Slocan, B.C.

Power then; CP 7109 or CP 7110. MLW S4 539 Switchers Equipped for Road Service by adding Extra FuelTanks on Running Boards ahead of Cab, a Cable Driven Speedometer Operating off a Small Wheel Riding on the R-4 Wheel, Electric Class Lamps on Front, and an Illuminated Number Board on Nose.

These Appliances made a Humble S A Road Switcher, but NOT a Roadswitcher.

On the Main, the Ss could REALLY move, as Downgrade West. Sadly, these ones did NOT have Blunts for the "Whole Meal Deal" Experience of a True S.

After leaving South Slocan it was Light Rail all the way to Slocan City, where there was a Saw Mill and a Two Track Barge Slip on Slocan Lake.

Ran as Work Extra on Train Orders North of South Slocan. NO Train Radios, and Quiet.

This part of the Trip was all Uphill, and Full Throttle all the way at about 12 MPH. At Nite Sparks and Red Carbon Chips flew from the Stack. Could NOT Run with the Left Front Door Open, as a ROAD Horn on Front of Cab below Visor, and just TOO LOUD.

The Barge Trip was Idyllic, altho' Loading and Unloading same could be tense, as Wheels Passed thru Water in Dip onto Barge, and Barge Slanted as Loads moved On. NOT the place to be in the wrong Location if something Derailed at the Sharp Angle on Rails between Barge Slip and Barge.

As Conductor was a Drunk, he considered it Okay to Drink on "His" Caboose once Cast Off from Land, as on Barge, which did not Belong to CPR, thence he no longer on Company Property.

The Wheel House of the Tug a fine place to Ride, anyway.

Train Unloaded at Rosebery and Tied Up for Nite.

In MorningTook Oil with Compressed Air Duplex Pump Operated from Train Line on Unit. Pump and Bulk Oil Tank from Old Days when Diesel Based at Rosebery full time. Pump and Storage Tank had been Sold and we had Message on Orders to Drain it.

Next AM, off to Nakusp on the Arrow Lakes. ALL Uphill about Half Way to Summit Lake, then ALL Downhill there to Nakusp. Don't have Tonnage Book, but suspect S4 good only for Three or Four Hundred Tons on this Pike, AS STEEP!!!!!

Draft Dodgers squatting by Lakes and Streams, as still Pristine. 'Thumbed Ride' on Train and Ladies Charmed Hogger into letting them 'Run the Engine.'

Switched Pole Mill at Nakusp, had Lunch, headed Back to Rosebery with Loads. Reason Line still in use was ROADS too narrow for Handling Long Telephone and Hydro Poles from Nakusp Mill. Also Rwy. Handled other Cargoes too heavy for Trucks and Road Bridges back then.

Coming Back South I "Ran" the Engine to the Summit, as no problem sitting at Throttle, as Wide Open Anyway. Did Nothing.

At Summit Lake things became Serious. 2% Grade South, No Dynamic on S. Set Retainers on Train, Four or so Cars, and Engineer Braked her Down to Rosebery. Grass on Rails made this very tricky especially if Raining.

On Wednesday, Barge South to Slocan City, Switch Mill again. Head for Nelson.

Set Off West Wood Chips at South Slocan/Fraine for Pulp Mill at Castlegar and Highballed for Nelson.

Thursday, back up again, returning Saturday. Sunday Off.

In the Seventies CP had another Barge Operation at Proctor, East of Nelson, B.C. where Empty Concentrate Cars were Loaded for Ore Loading by Clam Shell Crane at Mine at Riondel across Kootenay Lake. Ore went West from Nelson to Smelter at Trail/Tadanac.

Ore Cars never left Barge at Riondel. Loaded from Wharf by Crawler Crane.

These Barges were Three Track and once part of Southern Main Line Route Proctor-Kootenay Landing on Kootenay Lake until Rail Link completed c. 1930. Stern Wheelers and Tugs used into Fifites Uplake.

The Barges also went North to Kaslo for Lumber Loading where End Door Ex Auto Boxes used for Long Lumber before Bulk Head Flats.

At Kaslo, a 'Critter' on big Rubber Tires similar to an Airport Tug for Aeroplanes with Long Boom with Railroad Coupler used to' Switch' Cars from and to Mill.

There was also a Winch on the Barge Decks to Pull Cars onto Barge at Slips where no Unit or Tractor like at Isolated Silverton on Slocan Lake Route.

In Fall Mechanical Reefers sent North on Kootenay Lake for Christmas Tree Loading for Southern US. Markets.

Tank Cars of Asphalt Oil sent up on Proctor Barge, spelling end to Poor Roads.

Until the Mid Fifties it was possible to travel thru by Rail from Kaslo on Kootenay Lake to Rosebery and Nakusp until Line washed out. Lasted into Diesel Era with S3 going North on Barge from Proctor with Sternwheeler alongside.

By Seventies, NO UNITs went North from Proctor.

C. 1973, CPR Rewrote Time Table Restrictions ALLOWING DRS-16-17 Power to use Rosebery Barge Link. Previously ADAMANT nothing bigger than DS-6-10 Allowed.

So, Out went the Churping S4s, and in came GP9s and Yes!!! CLC H-16-44 Opposed Piston F-Ms just before their own Demise in 1975.

H-Lines to Nakusp!!!! At least they had D/B!!!


Photos from Internet.

CP 7109 has Extra Fuel Tank on Left Running Board. See Shadow beneath 'Pa'. Note Connecting Pipe to Regular Fuel Tank under Cab beneath Cab Front Door.

CP 7110 has Diesel-Fired Watchman Heater on Right Running Board ahead of Cab to Warm Diesel when Shut Down. Powered by Electricity by Extension Cord at 'Shop Track' Rosebery.

More Bears at Rosebery than People.

Today there are More Motor Homes than Bears and People in the whole frigging Valley. Money, and Greed Rules instead of the Rule Book, Time Card or Special Instructions.

No Rights, No Class, No Direction.

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Posted by joseph2 on Friday, July 16, 2004 6:16 AM
Hi cdnlococo.Thanks for all the info about the barge operation.I think it would take a lot of skill to take a train down a grade on wet rails with no dynamic brakes.Years ago a shortline used Alco switchers on the old Erie Lackawanna mainline where I live.They could go fast with a short train.


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